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[英]Java: pass-by-value references in methods

I read a few articles and similar question in Stackoverflow; 我在Stackoverflow中阅读了几篇文章和类似的问题; however, I did not quite get an answer to my question. 但是,我并没有完全回答我的问题。 Here is the code: 这是代码:

public class CoinFlipping {

    Random random = new Random();

    Boolean head = null;

    public void flip(Boolean b){
        b = random.nextBoolean();
    //      head = b; 

    public static void main(String [] args){
        CoinFlipping cf = new CoinFlipping();
        System.out.println("Head: "+cf.head);


I refer to this arcticle: Is Java "pass-by-reference" or "pass-by-value"? 我指的是这个细节: Java是“按引用传递”还是“按值传递”? I can understand why that piece of code behaves as it does. 我能理解为什么这段代码会如此表现。 When we call new dog() we basically create a new Dog object. 当我们调用new dog()我们基本上创建了一个新的Dog对象。 I get it. 我知道了。 However, the example that I provided seems to be confusing a bit. 但是,我提供的示例似乎有些混乱。 I am not creating an object in this case (aren't I?). 在这种情况下,我没有创建对象(不是吗?)。 I am changing a value. 我正在更改一个值。 Then why in this case when I print results, I get null and not true or false ? 那么,为什么在这种情况下,当我打印结果时却得到null而不是truefalse

The parameter b is passed by value, even though b is itself a reference. 即使b本身是引用,参数b也会按值传递。 Thus, when you call flip , the flip method treats b as a local variable that is a copy of what you pass into it. 因此,当您调用flipflip方法将b视为局部变量,该局部变量是传递给它的内容的副本 Changing this copy doesn't change cf.head . 更改此副本不会更改cf.head

If b were a reference to a mutable object, you could change the object b refers to, and that change would be seen by the rest of the program after flip returns. 如果b是对可变对象的引用,则可以更改b引用的对象,并且该变化将在flip返回之后由程序的其余部分看到。 But a change to b itself is a change to a copy, and any such change will not be seen by the rest of the program. 但是对b本身的更改就是对副本的更改,并且程序的其余部分将看不到任何此类更改。 ( Boolean is not mutable.) Boolean是不可变的。)

To answer your question: 要回答您的问题:

Then why in this case when I print results, I get null and not true or false ? 那么,为什么在这种情况下,当我打印结果时却得到null而不是truefalse

I have created a step-by-step walktrough of your code to show you the pointers (references) of the specific variables and answer why it prints out null in the end: 我创建了代码的逐步介绍 ,以向您显示特定变量的指针(引用),并回答为什么最终将其打印为null

1. Step: New CoinfFlipping object is created with default field values 1.步骤:使用默认字段值创建新的CoinfFlipping对象

 CoinFlipping cf = new CoinFlipping(); 

Inside the CoinFlipping class: CoinFlipping类中:

 Random random = new Random(); Boolean head = null; 

cf ---- points to ----> CoinFlipping object cf ----指向----> CoinFlipping对象
cf.random ---- points to ----> Random object cf.random ----指向----> Random对象
cf.head ---- points to ----> null cf.head ----指向----> null

2. Step: Calling the flip method with cf.head as parameter on the cf object 2.步骤:在cf对象上使用cf.head作为参数调用flip方法


When evoking this method, a variable b is created inside the scope of the flip method. 调用此方法时,将在flip方法的范围内创建一个变量b The pointer (reference) from cf.head is copied into the variable b . 来自cf.head的指针(引用)被复制到变量b So cf.head and b point then at the same thing. 因此, cf.headb指向同一件事。

 public void flip(Boolean b){ 

cf ---- points to ----> CoinFlipping object cf ----指向----> CoinFlipping对象
cf.random ---- points to ----> Random object cf.random ----指向----> Random对象
cf.head ---- points to ----> null cf.head ----指向----> null
b ---- points to ----> null b ----指向----> null

3. Step: Inside the flip method b is being reassigned 3.步骤:在flip方法内部b被重新分配

 b = random.nextBoolean(); 

cf ---- points to ----> CoinFlipping object cf ----指向----> CoinFlipping对象
cf.random ---- points to ----> Random object cf.random ----指向----> Random对象
cf.head ---- points to ----> null cf.head ----指向----> null
b ---- points to ----> a boolean value - either true or false b ----指向----> booleantruefalse

4. Step: Back in the main method to print out cf.head 4.步骤:返回主要方法以打印cf.head

 System.out.println("Head: "+cf.head); 

cf ---- points to ----> CoinFlipping object cf ----指向----> CoinFlipping对象
cf.random ---- points to ----> Random object cf.random ----指向----> Random对象
cf.head ---- points to ----> null cf.head ----指向----> null
b ---- points to ----> a boolean value - either true or false b ----指向----> booleantruefalse

As you can see, cf.head is still pointing to null , therefore null is being printed. 如您所见, cf.head仍指向null ,因此正在打印null

Solution: 解:
To change this, you could let the method return a boolean value instead and assign that to cf.head in order to make cf.head point to a new boolean value. 要更改此设置,可以让该方法返回一个布尔值,然后将其分配给cf.head ,以使cf.head指向新的布尔值。

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