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[英]Perl Script to remove files older than a year

I am trying to make a script which will delete files older than a year. 我正在尝试制作一个脚本,该脚本将删除早于一年的文件。

This is my code: 这是我的代码:


$files = ".dat|.exe";
@file_del = split('\|',$files);
 print "@file_del";

 $dates = "365|365|365|365";
 @date_del = split('\|',$dates);
 if($#date_del == 0){
     for $i (@file_del){
         my $f = `find \"/Users/ABC/Desktop/mydata\" -name *$i -mtime +date[0]`;
         print "$f";
    for $i (0..$#file_del){
         my $f = `find \"/Users/ABC/Desktop/mydata\" -name *$file_del[$i] -mtime +$date_del[$i]`;
         print "$f";

Issues I am facing: 我面临的问题:

  1. It is not detecting .txt files, otherwise .data,.exe,.dat etc it is detecting. 它不会检测.txt文件,否则将检测.data,.exe,.dat等。
  2. Also -mtime is 365. But a leap year(366 days) I have to change my script. -mtime也是365。但是a年(366天)我必须更改脚本。
$myDir = "/Users/ABC/Desktop/mydata/";
$cleanupDays = 365
$currentMonth = (localtime)[4] + 1;
$currentyear = (localtime)[5] + 1900;
if ($currentMonth < 3) {
   $currentyear -= 1;
if( 0 == $currentyear % 4 and 0 != $currentyear % 100 or 0 == $currentyear % 400 ) {
    $cleanupDays += 1;
$nbFiles = 0;
$runDay = (time - $^T)/86400;    # Number of days script is running
opendir FH_DIR, $myDir
   or die "$0 - ERROR directory '$myDir' doesn't exist\n");
foreach $fileName (grep !/^\./, (readdir FH_DIR)) {
   if (((-M "$myDir$fileName") + $runDay) > $cleanupDays) {
      unlink "$myDir$fileName" or print "ERROR:NOT deleted:$fileName ";
closedir FH_DIR;
print "$nbFiles files deleted\n";

Use the brilliant Path::Class to make life easy: 使用出色的Path :: Class使生活变得轻松:

use Modern::Perl;
use Path::Class;

my $dir = dir( '/Users', 'ABC', 'Desktop', 'mydata' );
$dir->traverse( sub {
    my ( $child, $cont ) = @_;
    if ( not $child->is_dir and $child->stat ) {
        if ( $child->stat->ctime < ( time - 365 * 86400 ) ) {
            say "$child: " .localtime( $child->stat->ctime );
            # to delete:
            # unlink $child;
    return $cont->();
} );

You can also use the command find2perl . 您也可以使用命令find2perl Like: 喜欢:

find2perl . -mtime -365 -exec rm {} \;

What will produce a perl script to use the File::Find - eg: 什么会产生一个Perl脚本来使用File::Find例如:

use strict;
use File::Find ();
use vars qw/*name *dir *prune/;
*name   = *File::Find::name;
*dir    = *File::Find::dir;
*prune  = *File::Find::prune;

sub wanted;
File::Find::find({wanted => \&wanted}, '.');

sub wanted {
    my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid);

    (($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid) = lstat($_)) &&
    (int(-M _) < 365) &&
    (unlink($_) || warn "$name: $!\n");

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