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[英]Can a Gradle plugin modify the list of subprojects in a multi-module project?

I've hacked together combination of build.gradle and settings.gradle below for creating an ad-hoc multi-module project out of several single-module projects (eg, an application and all of its dependencies, or a shared library and everything that uses that library). 我将以下的build.gradlesettings.gradle组合在一起,以从几个单模块项目(例如,一个应用程序及其所有依赖项,或一个共享库以及所有使用该库)。

settings.gradle : settings.gradle

// find all subprojects and include them
rootDir.eachFileRecurse { 
  if (it.name == "build.gradle") { 
    def projDir = it.parentFile
    if (projDir != rootDir) { 
      include projDir.name
      project(":${projDir.name}").projectDir = projDir

build.gradle: : build.gradle: ::

// Make sure we've parsed subproject dependencies

// Map of all projects by artifact group and name
def declarationToProject = subprojects.collectEntries { p -> [toDeclaration(p), p] }

// Replace artifact dependencies with subproject dependencies, if possible
subprojects.each { p ->
  def changes = [] // defer so we don't get ConcurrentModificationExceptions
  p.configurations.each { c ->
    c.dependencies.each { d ->
      def sub = declarationToProject[[group:d.group, name:d.name]]
      if (sub != null) {
            p.dependencies.add(c.name, sub)
  for (change in changes) {

This works, but it's hard to share -- if somebody else wants to do something similar they have to copy my *.gradle files or cut and paste. 这行得通,但很难共享-如果其他人想要做类似的事情,他们必须复制我的*.gradle文件或剪切并粘贴。

What I'd like to do is take this functionality and encapsulate it in a plugin. 我想做的就是利用此功能并将其封装在插件中。 The build.gradle part looks easy enough to do in the plugin apply() method, but it seems like the list of subprojects is already set in stone before the plugin gets a chance at it. build.gradle部分看起来很容易在插件的apply()方法中完成,但是子项目列表似乎已经在插件获得成功之前就已经设定好了。 Is there any way to get in earlier in the build process, eg by applying to something other than Project ? 有什么方法可以使您更早地进入构建过程,例如通过应用到Project其他东西? Or should I resign myself to giving my plugin a task for overwriting settings.gradle ? 还是我应该辞职给我的插件一个覆盖settings.gradle的任务?

Solution: Per Peter Niederweiser's answer , I moved the code above into two plugins, one to be called from settings.gradle and the other to be called from build.gradle . 解决方案:根据Peter Niederweiser的回答 ,我将上面的代码移动到了两个插件中,一个从settings.gradle调用,另一个从build.gradle In settings.gradle: settings.gradle:

buildscript {
    repositories { /* etc... */ }
    dependencies { classpath 'my-group:my-plugin-project:1.0-SNAPSHOT' }

apply plugin: 'find-subprojects'

And in build.gradle: build.gradle:

buildscript {
    repositories { /* etc... */ }
    dependencies { classpath 'my-group:my-plugin-project:1.0-SNAPSHOT' }

apply plugin: 'local-dependencies'

Note that calling the plugin from settings.gradle doesn't work in Gradle 1.11 or 1.12 but does work in Gradle 2.0. 请注意,从settings.gradle调用插件在Gradle 1.11或1.12中不起作用,但在Gradle 2.0中起作用。


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