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从MSSQL Server和Linux桥接数据

[英]Bridge Data from MSSQL Server & Linux

We have a MSSQL Server currently that contains data I need to pass to an installation of Prestashop on a CentOS machine. 当前,我们有一个MSSQL Server,其中包含我需要传递给CentOS计算机上的Prestashop安装的数据。

I've seen ODBC thrown around loosely, but really have no idea where to start to query the MSSQL Server with PHP. 我已经看到ODBC泛滥,但是实际上不知道从哪里开始使用PHP查询MSSQL Server。

My opinion of ex core-developper at prestashop : forget that. 我对prestashop的前核心开发人员的看法是:忘记了。 Prestashop is not built to run with a mssql database, you will have to change a HUGE ammount of queries in the code, spend a lot of time to optimize it for your purpose and rework some logic. Prestashop并不是为与mssql数据库一起运行而设计的,您将不得不在代码中更改大量的查询,要花费大量时间对其进行优化以优化它并重做一些逻辑。

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