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Javascript-尝试将函数的结果保存到对象。 对象为空

[英]Javascript - Trying to save the result of a function to an object. Object is null

In a separated function called searchXML, where some parameters are passed in and I am parsing an xml file to return some specific values based on the parameters and save those values to an object. 在一个名为searchXML的单独函数中,传递了一些参数,并且我正在解析一个xml文件,以基于这些参数返回一些特定值,并将这些值保存到对象中。 Then, in another function, call the searchXML() and save the result to an object. 然后,在另一个函数中,调用searchXML()并将结果保存到一个对象。 Unfortunately, that object is turning out to be empty. 不幸的是,那个对象原来是空的。 I am relatively new to javascript, so I am not sure if its my logic or syntax that is causing the error. 我对javascript较陌生,因此我不确定它是否是导致错误的逻辑或语法。

The xml is in this format: xml格式如下:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Category>Product Store Sessions </Category>


And my searchXML code: 和我的searchXML代码:

function searchXML(xml, goalTab, goalCategory){
    console.log('in search xml');
    //get the current year in 4 digits (yyyy)
    var year = new Date().getFullYear();

    //gets the string value of the 2 digit number of the previous completed month (ie: currMonth = April (04), prevMonth = March (03))
    var prevMonth = new Date().getMonth().toString(); 
    if(prevMonth.toString().length == 1){
        prevMonth = '0'+prevMonth.toString();

    //check for leap year
    if(year % 4 == 0){
        var feb = 29;
        var feb = 28;

    //make array for number of days per month in this year
    var daysInMonths = [31, feb, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];

    //get the row offset for the particular month
    var rowOffset_Month = (year - 2013)*12 + 2 + parseInt(prevMonth); 

    var result = null;

    $(xml).find('Row').each(function(){ // for each Row in xml
        console.log('-------new row------')
        var row = this;
        var boolTab = $(row).find('Tab').text() == goalTab; 
        var boolCategory = $(row).find('Category').text() == goalCategory;

        if (boolCategory && boolTab) {
            console.log('found match');
           var result= {
                //get the row that corresponds with the calculated row offset
                //month : arr[rowOffset_Month][i],
                month : $(row).find('_'+year+'_'+prevMonth+'_'+daysInMonths[parseInt(prevMonth) - 1]).text(), //-----------------check for errors here--------------------

                //get the last row, which corresponds with the 2014 ytd 
                // ytd : arr[arr[1].length - 1][i] 
                ytd : $(row).find('FY_' + year).text() //-----------------check for errors here--------------------
            }; //END result obj
        };// END if
    });// END jquery function

    return result;

And then in a seperate function: 然后在一个单独的函数中:

var ann_appStarts_plan = searchXML(xml, "MF_Act", "Product Store Sessions ");
console.log('plan month: ' + ann_appStarts_plan.month);
console.log('plan ytd: ' + ann_appStarts_plan.ytd);

And the error in Firebug: 还有Firebug中的错误:

TypeError: ann_appStarts_plan is null
    console.log('plan month: ' + ann_appStarts_plan.month);

Your re-declaration of result inside that callback function is probably the problem, though I'm not sure what that .find() method does. 尽管我不确定.find()方法的作用,但您在该回调函数中重新声明result可能是问题.find() If it's asynchronous, then the overall code won't work anyway. 如果它是异步的,那么总的代码将无法正常工作。

Take away the var here: 在这里拿走var

       var result= {

That makes another variable, one inside the callback. 这将产生另一个变量,即回调中的一个。

You're creating an "outer" result : 您正在创建“外部” result

var result = null;

$(xml).find('Row').each(function(){ // for each Row in xml
 // ...

then assigning to a new, "inner" result : 然后分配给新的“内部” result

if (boolCategory && boolTab) {
        console.log('found match');
       var result= {
        // ..

which is then discarded, and we return the original: 然后将其丢弃,然后我们返回原始文件:

return result;

Lose the var in your assignment: 在您的作业中丢失var

if (boolCategory && boolTab) {
  result= {
    month : $(row).find('_'+year+'_'+prevMonth+'_'+daysInMonths[parseInt(prevMonth) - 1]).text(), 

    ytd : $(row).find('FY_' + year).text() 

  return false;

And return false to quit the each() loop now that a match has been found ( each() will call the inner function once for each object in the list it's called on, but will stop if the inner function ever returns false ). 并找到一个匹配项,然后返回false来退出each()循环( each()将为其调用的列表中的每个对象调用一次内部函数,但是如果内部函数曾经返回false ,则将停止)。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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