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[英]Is there way to throw an exception from an expression besides using functions?

Is there a way to explicitly throw an exception from an expression in JavaScript besides placing that throw a function wrapper? 除了放置throw函数包装的方法外,是否有办法从JavaScript表达式中显式引发异常?

throw is a statement, statements don't produce values, thus they cannot be used in expressions which operate on values and always produce a value. throw是一个语句,语句不产生值,因此不能在对值进行运算并始终产生值的表达式中使用它们。 It's quite obvious that any statement can be put to a function and a function call can be used from the expression. 很明显,任何语句都可以放在函数中,并且可以从表达式中使用函数调用。 Is there a way to avoid wrapping the throw statement to a function and throw from the expression directly? 有没有一种方法可以避免将throw语句包装到函数并直接从表达式中抛出?


Some people say it's not quite clear what I am asking about. 有人说我在问什么不清楚。 Consider a hypothetical example (not for real), this is something I wish worked, but it doesn't: 考虑一个假设的例子(不是真实的例子),这是我希望起作用的东西,但它没有:

var one = value != null ? value * value : (throw new Error('The value has not been provided'));

var two = value != 0 ? 1 / value : (throw new Error('The result cannot be evaluated because the value is zero which would give a division by zero problem.));

No. As you say, throw is a statement and statements cannot appear as parts of an expression. 否。正如您所说, throw是一个语句,语句不能作为表达式的一部分出现。

The only way to execute a statement from the evaluation of an expression are a function call or eval . 从表达式求值执行语句的唯一方法是函数调用或eval Using a THROW(new Error(…)) function is probably the best you can get. 使用THROW(new Error(…))函数可能是最好的选择。

But seriosly, go with simple, readable statements: 但有趣的是,请使用简单易读的语句:

if (value == null) throw new Error('The value has not been provided');
var one = value * value;

if (value == 0) throw new Error('division by zero");
var two = 1 / value;

That will not only work, but also fit in a line. 这不仅行得通,而且还可以排成一行。

Yes you can throw from a ternary! 是的,你可以扔三元! Perhaps some might call my solution a bit of a hack, but it is very simple to reason about. 也许有些人可能将我的解决方案称为hack,但是推理起来很简单。

throw from a ternary 从三元抛出

var two = value != 0 ? 1 / value : (void 0).throwDivideByZero()

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