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[英]spring-data-neo4j, fetching relatedTo entity manully

@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class Employee {
    private Long graphId;

    private Long id;

    private String name;

    private String password;

    @RelatedTo(type = "REPORT_TO", direction = Direction.OUTGOING)
    private Department department;

I know spring-data-neo4j can use @Fetch to get Department data when get Employee entity, but not every time I need Department when get Employee, so how can I fetching department manully? 我知道spring-data-neo4j可以在获取Employee实体时使用@Fetch来获取Department数据,但是并不是在每次获取Employee时都需要使用Department,那么如何才能手动获取Department? The @Fetch annotation is not flexible @Fetch注释不灵活

You can use Neo4jTemplate#fetch (T) to do manually what @Fetch does automagically. 您可以使用Neo4jTemplate#fetch (T)手动执行@Fetch自动执行的操作。

See api doc here . 在此处查看api doc

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