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[英]HTML, resized embed pdf

I have embedded a pdf using this javascript function: 我已经使用此javascript函数嵌入了pdf:

screenshotPreview = function(filename){    

    $("#body").append("<p><embed src=" + filename + " type='application/pdf' width='60%' height='60%' class='pdf_image'></p>");                           


However, the width and height adjustment doesn't resize the pdf, it just trims the pdf window size, so the user still needs to scroll within this window to see the whole pdf. 但是,宽度和高度调整并不会调整pdf的大小,它只是调整pdf窗口的大小,因此用户仍然需要在此窗口中滚动才能查看整个pdf。

Any suggestions? 有什么建议么? I've tried using scale='tofit' as well, but see no change. 我也尝试过使用scale ='tofit',但看不到任何变化。



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