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[英]Replacing TableAdapters with Oracle.DataAccess.Client (ODP.NET)

I have a legacy DAL with like 100 TableAdapters (DataSet xsd) but because we got new servers with Oracle client 12c I had to made the switch to the Oracle.DataAccess.Client (ODP.NET) from the old deprecated System.Data.OracleClient . 我有一个带有100个TableAdapters(DataSet xsd)的旧版DAL,但是由于我们使用的是带有Oracle客户端12c的新服务器,因此不得不从旧的过时的System.Data.OracleClient切换到Oracle.DataAccess.Client (ODP.NET)。 。

The only problem I have now is that I always get an error: ORA-01008: Not all variables bound when calling the Table Adapters. 我现在遇到的唯一问题是,我总是收到错误消息: ORA-01008:调用表适配器时, 并非所有变量都已绑定

I read that I have to set BindByName to true in OracleCommand for each TableAdapter. 我读到我必须在每个表BindByName OracleCommand中将BindByName设置为true But how can I do that when the only place where OracleCommand is used is in the designer of the TableAdapter itself? 但是,当唯一使用OracleCommand地方是在TableAdapter本身的设计器中时,该怎么办?

Is there some way to do this without extending each TableAdapter, because I have like 100 of them. 有什么方法可以做到这一点而无需扩展每个TableAdapter,因为我喜欢其中的100个。

What I did was I extended each TableAdapter and created a new SetBindByName() method, where I forced BindByName = true on the OracleCommand collection. 我要做的就是扩展每个TableAdapter并创建一个新的SetBindByName()方法,在其中我在OracleCommand集合上强制BindByName = true

Like so... 像这样

public partial class V_CUSTOMER_GLOBALTableAdapter
    public void SetBindByName(bool value = true)
        foreach (Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleCommand cmd in this.CommandCollection)
            cmd.BindByName = value;

Then when I created an instance of the TableAdapter, I called the new SetBindByName() method. 然后,当我创建TableAdapter的实例时,我调用了新的SetBindByName()方法。

V_CUSTOMER_GLOBALTableAdapter ta = new V_CUSTOMER_GLOBALTableAdapter();

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