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[英]Getting UITapGestureRecognizer's sender in Swift

So I'm working on a selector that reminds users to pan the object instead of tapping it. 所以我正在研究一种选择器,它提醒用户平移对象而不是点击它。 The following code is the animation: 以下代码是动画:

func labelTapped(sender:UITapGestureRecognizer)->Void{
    UIView.animateWithDuration(0.2, delay: 0, options: UIViewAnimationOptions.CurveEaseIn, animations: {
        sender.view.frame = CGRectMake(sender.view.frame.origin.x + 15, sender.view.frame.origin.y, sender.view.frame.width, sender.view.frame.height)
        }, completion:
        {(value:Bool) in
            UIView.animateWithDuration(0.2, delay: 0, options: UIViewAnimationOptions.CurveEaseOut, animations: {
                sender.view.frame = CGRectMake(sender.view.frame.origin.x - 15, sender.view.frame.origin.y, sender.view.frame.width, sender.view.frame.height)
                }, completion:
                {(value:Bool) in

now back to the object itself. 现在回到对象本身。 I'm allocating a UITapGestureRecognizer and adding it to the object, but i'm not so sure how it works, since back in Objective-C, we used to do: 我正在分配一个UITapGestureRecognizer并将其添加到对象中,但我不确定它是如何工作的,因为回到Objective-C,我们曾经做过:

UITapGestureRecognizer *tap = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc]initWithTarget:self action:@selector(labelTapped)];

where no parameter is needed. 其中不需要参数。 However in Swift, I'll have to put in a parameter in the parenthesis after labelTapped , as it will give me a Missing argument for parameter #1 in call error: 但是在Swift中,我必须在labelTapped之后的括号中加入一个参数,因为它会Missing argument for parameter #1 in call错误中给出Missing argument for parameter #1 in callMissing argument for parameter #1 in call

let labelTap1=UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: labelTapped())

How should I go about resolving this issue? 我该如何解决这个问题? thanks! 谢谢!


let labelTap1=UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: "labelTapped:")
  override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {

        let tapRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: "handleSingleTap:")
        tapRecognizer.numberOfTapsRequired = 1


 func handleSingleTap(recognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer) {



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