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填写用户名和密码后,当我按Enter键无法登录时,即google chrome工作正常。 怎么会?

[英]after filling username and password when i press an enter button unable to login in ie but google chrome is working fine. how come?

I am developing a project in asp.net in sharepoint application. 我正在使用sharepoint应用程序在asp.net中开发一个项目。 I am facing some peculiar problem. 我面临一些特殊的问题。 In my login page i have 2 textbox username and password On filling the username and password field i press enter As usual in most of the application we are able to login when the credentails are okay. 在我的登录页面中,我有2个文本框用户名和密码。在填写用户名和密码字段时,请按Enter。在大多数应用程序中,像往常一样,我们都可以登录。 So i am also able to login but the issue is that in google chrome is working fine. 所以我也可以登录,但问题是在谷歌浏览器中工作正常。 But in internet explorer after pressing the enter key nothing is happening the submit button is not fired where as in google chrome its working fine why so ? 但是在Internet Explorer中,按Enter键后什么也没发生,但未触发“提交”按钮,如在谷歌浏览器中那样正常工作,为什么呢?

I didn't sure if your code is broken or doesn't submit the form if next input is submit after the textbox. 我不确定您的代码是否损坏,或者如果在文本框后提交下一个输入,则不提交表单。

Meanwhile You can write a javascript funcion on Keypress of Input text. 同时,您可以在“输入文字的按键”上编写JavaScript函数。 When keyCode 13 happen you can submit the form through Javascript. 当keyCode 13发生时,您可以通过Javascript提交表单。

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