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[英]Autocomplete command line arguments from a list in a file

Assume I have a program called script.py and it allows for the command line option -i which requires an additional keyword argument, such that I call 假设我有一个名为script.py的程序,它允许使用命令行选项-i ,这需要一个额外的关键字参数,这样我就可以调用

python script.py -i foo

Now assume in my working directory I have a file named tags.txt which includes a list of strings. 现在假设我的工作目录中有一个名为tags.txt的文件,其中包含一个字符串列表。 Now I want the shell to autocomplete whatever comes after -i when calling the script according to the list of strings given in tags.txt . 现在我希望shell在根据tags.txt给出的字符串列表调用脚本时自动完成-i之后的任何tags.txt The idea is the store some common input arguments for -i in that file in order to reduce typing mistakes and ensure faster input. 这个想法是在该文件中存储-i一些常见输入参数,以减少键入错误并确保更快的输入。 Is that possible with a pure Python solution? 这是纯粹的Python解决方案吗?

In bash the auto completer can run a command or bash function to dynamically generate the auto completer list. 在bash中,auto Completer可以运行命令或bash函数来动态生成自动完成列表。 Let's say your script is called foo. 假设您的脚本名为foo。 One option would be create a script called foo_completer. 一种选择是创建一个名为foo_completer的脚本。 You would register it like this in your .bash_profile: 您可以在.bash_profile中将其注册为:

complete -C foo_completer foo

Now anytime you tab for autocomplete with the foo command the foo_completer will be called from bash. 现在,只要您使用foo命令选中自动完成,就会从bash调用foo_completer。 But using the -C isn't the only way to create a dynamic completer. 但是使用-C并不是创建动态完成符的唯一方法。 Here are few links to help you get started. 以下是一些帮助您入门的链接。

One of the most complex completer I've seen is the aws cli autocompleter which is written in python. 我见过的最复杂的完成者之一是用python编写的aws cli自动完成器

Since you are using python check out the python argcomplete project. 因为你正在使用python检查python argcomplete项目。

Here is another example 这是另一个例子

Closest I can think of (again to concur with another point made by one the chaps, this is more a shell question/answer than Python), Instead of tags.txt being a file, create it as a directory, with sym links to the files you want. 最接近我能想到的(再次同意一个章节所提出的另一个观点,这更像是一个shell问题/答案而不是Python),而不是tags.txt是一个文件,创建它作为一个目录,sym链接到你想要的文件。 But, to get autocompletion you will need to include the directory name. 但是,要获得自动完成功能,您需要包含目录名称。

Although, it is more command-line related question and the solution to the problem and less Python-based but there could be one more approach to achieve this using Python by specifying the file_name as an optional argument on the command-line and your Python script will read the arguments from the file specified in the file_name argument and update the argument variables. 虽然,它是更多与命令行相关的问题和问题的解决方案,而不是基于Python的,但是可以通过在命令行和Python脚本上指定file_name作为可选参数,使用Python实现此目的的另一种方法将从file_name参数中指定的文件中读取参数并更新参数变量。 If the file_name argument is not defined, it will be expecting other arguments to be specified via the command-line and you may have to validate whether you got the values for all the arguments or not. 如果未定义file_name参数,则期望通过命令行指定其他参数,您可能必须验证是否获得了所有参数的值。

It is recommended to go for command-line (Bash/Shell) oriented solutions like using complete command or any other similar tool. 建议使用命令行(Bash / Shell)定向解决方案,例如使用complete命令或任何其他类似工具。

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