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[英]Poco parse XML document from byte buffer

I need to convert char buffer[] to the Poco XML document. 我需要将char buffer[]转换为Poco XML文档。 I tried to work through the Poco XML and Net tutorial but I could not see any example for this. 我尝试完成Poco XML和Net教程,但没有看到任何示例。 Can anyone give a working example of this? 谁能给出一个可行的例子吗? Thanks. 谢谢。

Put the string in a std::string , put that in a std::istringstream . 将字符串放入std::string ,然后将其放入std::istringstream Now you should be able to use the input stream in POCO. 现在,您应该可以在POCO中使用输入流了。

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