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[英]How woocommerce products,categories and subcategories are translate into other language?

How I can translate WooCommerce product and categories into other language. 我如何将WooCommerce产品和类别翻译成其他语言。 We have the WordPress default function: 我们有WordPress默认功能:


I have set: 我已经设定:

define (WP_LANG,'heIL');

It changes all WordPress content but does not change WooCommerce product name categories. 它会更改所有WordPress内容,但不会更改WooCommerce产品名称类别。

If you want to make your Wordpress site or store multilingual you have to use some third party plugin like WPML which takes care of the translation management 如果您想建立自己的Wordpress网站或使用多种语言存储,则必须使用诸如WPML之类的第三方插件来处理翻译管理

Here is an explanation what you need to make your shop multlingual: http://wpml.org/documentation/related-projects/woocommerce-multilingual/ 这是一个使您的商店具有多种用途的说明: http ://wpml.org/documentation/related-projects/woocommerce-multilingual/

Hope it helps. 希望能帮助到你。

See here the listings of some popular translation plugins http://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/top-6-translation-plugins-for-your-wordpress-site/ 在此处查看一些流行的翻译插件的列表, 网址为http://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/top-6-translation-plugins-for-your-wordpress-site/

There are free plugins too, however they are not as much powerful as WPML. 也有免费的插件,但是它们不如WPML强大。 But, see if they can help. 但是,看看他们是否可以提供帮助。

qTranslate is one of the mostly used free plugin among these. qTranslate是其中最常用的免费插件之一。

I think what you need is a translation plugin. 我认为您需要的是翻译插件。 There are many of them but I am using WPML and it is going well. 其中有很多,但是我正在使用WPML,并且进展顺利。 You have to install it and you will have access to translate all blog. 您必须安装它,然后才能翻译所有博客。

I let you this plugin http://ul.to/qjl85490 我让你这个插件http://ul.to/qjl85490

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