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ActionController :: RoutingError:没有路由与{:controller =>“ vendors”,:action =>“ vendors”}匹配?

[英]ActionController::RoutingError: No route matches {:controller=>“vendors”, :action=>“vendors”}?

In my test, I'm trying to call 在测试中,我正在尝试致电

get :vendors

but the error I get is 但是我得到的错误是

ActionController::RoutingError: No route matches {:controller=>"vendors", 

I do have the following in routes.rb 我在routes.rb中确实有以下内容

match '/vendors', :to => 'vendors#index'

so I don't get why it's looking for the (non-existent) "vendors" action instead of using "index" like it's matched. 所以我不明白为什么它要寻找(不存在的)“供应商”行动,而不是像匹配的那样使用“索引”。 Can anyone explain this to me? 有人可以向我解释吗?

Because you told it to? 因为你告诉过吗?

The test is already contextualized, presumably with describe VendorsController , so saying get :vendors tells it to get the Vendors#vendors action. 该测试已经进行describe VendorsController ,大概是在describe VendorsController进行了describe VendorsController ,因此说get :vendors告诉它获得Vendors#vendors动作。 It isn't saying "get the /vendors URL", it's going straight to the controller. 并不是说“获取/ vendors URL”,而是直接进入控制器。

In general, you run get :action not get :controller nor get :matched_route_name 通常,您运行get :action而不是get :controllerget :matched_route_name

you should be doing 你应该在做

get :index

Here is an example of controller test in rspec 是rspec中的控制器测试的示例


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