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f# 自定义链表和引用

[英]f# custom linked list and references

i am new to this language.我是这种语言的新手。 In order to try and understand referencing i have tried implementing a simple directed list the freshman college computer science way.为了尝试和理解引用,我尝试以大一大学计算机科学的方式实现一个简单的定向列表。

type item = { 

type list() = 
    let head:ref<item> = null // tried instantiation so many different ways and it likes none of em

    let sum i = 
        if i == null then
            i.value + sum i.next // constructor not defined?

Please tell me why im bad at this请告诉我为什么我不擅长这个

First of all you try to implement it in some imperative way - this is ok, but not really functional.首先,您尝试以某种命令式方式实现它 - 这没问题,但不是真正的功能。 Anyway, the first thing you have problems with is, that you cannot assign null - if you really want to you have to add [<AllowNullLiteral>] to your item type (but of course you have to make it a class instead of a record):无论如何,您遇到的第一件事是,您不能分配null - 如果您真的想要,您必须将[<AllowNullLiteral>]添加到您的item类型(但当然您必须将其设为类而不是记录):

type Item(value, next) = 
    member this.value = value
    member this.next : Item ref = next

let head : ref<Item> = ref null

let rec sum (i : Item) = 
    if i = null then
        i.value + sum !i.next

But this is almost never a good idea, so I would start like this:但这几乎从来都不是一个好主意,所以我会这样开始:

module List =

   type Item = { value : float; next : List }
   and  List = Item option ref

   let empty : List = ref None
   let single x = { value = x; next = ref None }

   // this is how you can change the list
   let rec append x l =
      let item = single x
      match !l with
      | None -> 
         l := Some item
      | Some node ->
         append x node.next

   let rec sum (l : List) =
      match !l with
      | None      -> 0.0
      | Some item -> item.value + sum item.next

now if you watch closely you will see that you don't really need the refs if you just append at the front and voila ... you got your usual functional list ;)现在,如果您仔细观察,您会发现如果您只是在前面附加,那么您实际上并不需要 refs,瞧……您得到了通常的功能列表 ;)

PS: you forgot some other things too: PS:你也忘记了一些其他的东西:

  • you are using floats in there so you have to use 0.0 instead of 0你在那里使用浮点数,所以你必须使用0.0而不是0
  • your sum -function has to be recursive (mind you it's not tail-recursive so you will get problems with big lists!)你的sum函数必须是递归的(注意它不是尾递归的,所以你会遇到大列表的问题!)
  • you have to dereference ref -cells with !你必须取消引用ref -细胞有!
  • you have to construct ref -cells with ref (for example ref null )你必须用ref构造ref -cells (例如ref null
  • your type list() = made no sense to me so I converted it into a module你的type list() =对我来说毫无意义所以我把它转换成一个模块

PPS: please not that it's not the F#-Way to mutate things like this - it's just to show you how you can do it ... but don't if you don't have to PPS:请不要因为F#-Way来改变这样的事情 - 这只是向您展示如何做到这一点......但如果您不必,请不要这样做

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