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[英]trying to move value from edit text and spinner

I want to get the value from a edit text and values from 3 spinners and calculate the value. 我想从编辑文本中获取值,并从3个微调器中获取值,然后计算值。 Below is the code I have so far, remember that I am beyond new at this. 以下是我到目前为止的代码,请记住,我在这方面并不陌生。 I do not know how to get the value rollPrice to equal B3 in the formula as it gives me an error since rollPrice is put into a string. 我不知道如何将值rollPrice等于公式中的B3,因为因为rollPrice放在字符串中,这给了我一个错误。

**Clarification edit. **说明编辑。 The slength, swidth, and sthick are values selected from spinners. slength,swidth和sthick是从微调器中选择的值。 the rollPrice is an edit text the user puts the price into and then selects the values from the 3 spinners, and the formula will compute the MSF price. rollPrice是用户输入价格的编辑文本,然后从3个微调框中选择值,该公式将计算MSF价格。

        public void afterTextChanged(Editable arg0) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub


        public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence arg0, int arg1, int arg2,
                int arg3) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub


        public void onTextChanged(CharSequence arg0, int arg1, int arg2,
                int arg3) {


                // Change the billBeforeTip to the new input

                rollCost = Double.parseDouble(arg0.toString());


            catch(NumberFormatException e){

                rollCost = 0.0;



    private void calculate(){

         String B5 = swidth.getSelectedItem().toString();
         String B6 = slength.getSelectedItem().toString();
         String B4 = sthick.getSelectedItem().toString();



Because you have mentioned that you are using EditTexts. 因为您已经提到过您正在使用EditTexts。 I would suggest you to use (your question is unclear, I have assumed swidth,slength and sthick are edittexts) 我建议您使用(您的问题不清楚,我假设swidth,slength和sthick是edittexts)

         String B5 = swidth.getText().toString();
         String B6 = slength.getText().toString();
         String B4 = sthick.getText().toString();

instead of 代替

         String B5 = swidth.getSelectedItem().toString();
         String B6 = slength.getSelectedItem().toString();
         String B4 = sthick.getSelectedItem().toString();

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