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启用Java断言不适用于Eclipse Luna

[英]Enabling Java assertions not working with Eclipse Luna

I tried enabling assertions for Java 8 in Eclipse Luna by doing what most answers on here suggest, adding -ea as a VM argument in the Run config, as well as in the default VM arguments in the JRE config. 我尝试通过执行此处大多数答案所建议的操作来在Eclipse Luna中启用Java 8的断言,在运行配置中以及-JRE配置中的默认VM参数中添加-ea作为VM参数。 Still I get the same error as before: 我仍然收到与以前相同的错误:

Multiple markers at this line - 'assert' should not be used as an identifier, since it is a reserved keyword from source level 1.4 on - Syntax error on token "assert", ( expected - Syntax error, insert "AssignmentOperator Expression" to complete Expression - Syntax error, insert ")" to complete Expression 此行上的多个标记-不应将'assert'用作标识符,因为它是源级别1.4上的保留关键字-令牌“ assert”上的语法错误,(预期-语法错误,请插入“ AssignmentOperator Expression”以完成表达式-语法错误,插入“)”以完成表达式

My program is really just a simple program to try it out: 我的程序实际上只是一个可以尝试的简单程序:

public class Test {

    public static void main (String[] args) {
        int x = 10;
        assert x != 0 : "Test";


What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

将括号括在x!= 0周围。这可能会解决您的问题。

Go to Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs -> select your installed JVM -> Edit.. -> in "Default VM arguments:" add -ea . 转到Window - > Preferences - > Java - > Installed JREs - >选择您所安装的JVM - > Edit.. - >在“默认VM参数:”加-ea

Finally make sure that your project uses same JVM in which you added -ea as default argument. 最后,确保您的项目使用添加-ea作为默认参数的相同JVM。 To do that : 要做到这一点 :

right click on project -> Properties -> JavaBuildPath -> Libraries here you should see JRE system library[...] . right click on project -> Properties -> JavaBuildPath > Libraries在这里您应该看到JRE system library[...] Make sure that in [...] is JVM you edited to enable assertions. 确保在[...]是JVM您编辑启用断言。

I thought I anwer my own question, since the solution was hidden in a comment until now: 我以为自己提出了自己的问题,因为该解决方案直到现在都被隐藏在注释中:

Removing -ea from the default parameters, but keeping it in the run configuration solved the problem, for me. 从我的默认参数中删除-ea,但是将其保留在运行配置中可以解决此问题。

在Eclipse中,右键单击Project-> properties->选择Java编译器->单击Java构建路径->选择jre->单击edit-> Execution Environment选择J2SE-1.5(jre1.8.0_65)->完成

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