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性能问题:Java与C ++

[英]Performance issue: Java vs C++

I have always heard that C++ was way more efficient than Java (and that is why most games are developed in C++). 我一直听说C ++比Java更有效(这就是大多数游戏都是用C ++开发的原因)。

I wrote a small algorithm to solve the "Eight queens puzzle" in both Java and C++, using the exact same algorithm, and then started to raise the number or squares. 我写了一个小算法来解决Java和C ++中的“八皇后谜题”,使用完全相同的算法,然后开始提高数字或方块。 When reaching checkboards of 20*20 or even 22*22, it appears Java is much more effective (3 seconds vs 66 seconds for C++). 当到达20 * 20甚至22 * 22的检查板时,看起来Java更有效(3秒对C ++的66秒)。

I have no idea why, but I am pretty beginning with C++, so it is possible I made some huge performance mistakes, so I will gladly accept any information that would help me understand what is happening. 我不知道为什么,但我从C ++开始,所以我可能会犯一些巨大的性能错误,所以我很乐意接受任何可以帮助我理解正在发生的事情的信息。

Below is the code I use in Java: 下面是我在Java中使用的代码:

import java.awt.Point;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class HuitDames {

     * La liste des coordnnées des dames.
    private static List<Point> positions = new ArrayList<>();

     * Largeur de la grille.
    private static final int LARGEUR_GRILLE = 22;

     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int i = 1;
        for (Point point : positions) {
            System.out.println("(" + point.x + "; " + point.y + ")");

     * Place une dame et return true si la position est bonne.
     * @param i le numéro de la dame.
     * @return si la position est bonne.
    private static boolean placerDame(int i) {

        boolean bonnePosition = false;
        for (int j = 1; j <= LARGEUR_GRILLE && bonnePosition == false; j++) {
            Point emplacement = new Point(i, j);
            if (verifierPrise(emplacement) && (i == LARGEUR_GRILLE || placerDame(i + 1))) {
                bonnePosition = true;
            else {
                positions.remove(i - 1);

        return bonnePosition;

     * Vérifie que la nouvelle position n'est pas en prise avec une position déjà présente.
     * @param position la position de la nouvelle dame.
     * @return Si la position convient par rapport aux positions des autres dames.
    private static boolean verifierPrise(Point position) {
        boolean nonPrise = true;
        for (Point point : positions) {
            if (!point.equals(position)) {
                // Cas où sur la même colonne.
                if (position.y == point.y) {
                    nonPrise = false;
                // Cas où sur même diagonale.
                if (Math.abs(position.y - point.y) == Math.abs(position.x - point.x)) {
                    nonPrise = false;

        return nonPrise;

And below is the code in C++: 以下是C ++中的代码:

#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

using namespace std;

// Class to represent points.
class Point {

        double xval, yval;

        // Constructor uses default arguments to allow calling with zero, one,
        // or two values.
        Point(double x = 0.0, double y = 0.0) {
                xval = x;
                yval = y;

        // Extractors.
        double x() { return xval; }
        double y() { return yval; }

list<Point> positions;

bool verifierNonPrise(Point emplacement) {
    bool nonPrise = true;
    for (list<Point>::iterator it = positions.begin(); it!= positions.end(); it++) {
        if (it->x() != emplacement.x()) {
            if (it->y() == emplacement.y()) {
                nonPrise = false;
            if (abs(it->y() - emplacement.y()) == abs(it->x() - emplacement.x())) {
                nonPrise = false;

    return nonPrise;

bool placerDame(int i) {
    bool bonnePosition = false;
    for (int j = 1; j <= LARGEUR_GRILLE && !bonnePosition; j++) {
        Point emplacement(i,j);
        if (verifierNonPrise(emplacement) && (i == LARGEUR_GRILLE || placerDame(i + 1))) {
            bonnePosition = true;
        else {

    return bonnePosition;

int main()
    int i = 1;
    for (list<Point>::iterator it = positions.begin(); it!= positions.end(); it++) {
        cout << "(" << it->x() << "; " << it->y() << ")" << endl;
    return 0;

std::list in C++ is a linked list, whereas java.util.ArrayList is an array. C ++中的std::list是一个链表,而java.util.ArrayList是一个数组。 Try replacing std::list by std::vector . 尝试用std::list std::vector替换std::list Also, be sure to compile with optimization turned on. 此外,请务必在启用优化的情况下进行编译。

Updates: 更新:

Changes to C++ 对C ++的更改

  • As written: 正如所写:
    Compilation Failure 编译失败
  • Replace math.h => cmath 替换math.h => cmath
    27610 milliseconds 27610毫秒
  • Add -O3 flag 添加-O3标志
    4416 milliseconds 4416毫秒
  • Replace std::list with std::vector 用std :: vector替换std :: list
    2294 milliseconds 2294毫秒
  • Replace Point with std::pair 用std :: pair替换Point
    2384 milliseconds 2384毫秒
  • Made verifierNonPrise const correct 使verifierNonPrise const正确
    2351 milliseconds 2351毫秒
  • Replaced loop in verifierNonPrise with std::find_if std::find_if替换verifierNonPrise中的循环
    929 milliseconds 929毫秒
  • Replacing double with int (to make it equiv to Java) 用int替换double(使其等同于Java)
    549 milliseconds 549毫秒

Changes to Java 对Java的更改

  • As written 如写
    3459 milliseconds 3459毫秒
  • Changes verifierNonPrise early return 更改verifierNonPrise提前返回
    368 milliseconds 368毫秒

Java Vs C++ Java Vs C ++

> javac HuitDames.java
> time java HuitDames
real    0m0.368s
user    0m0.436s
sys     0m0.042s    
> g++ -O3 -std=c++11 HuitDames.cpp
> time ./a.out
real    0m0.541s
user    0m0.539s
sys     0m0.002s

Final Code: 最终守则:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

typedef std::pair<int, int>   Point;

vector<Point> positions;

bool verifierNonPrise(Point const& emplacement) {
    return std::find_if(positions.begin(), positions.end(), [&emplacement](Point const& val){
        if (val.first != emplacement.first) {
            if ((val.second == emplacement.second) || (abs(val.second - emplacement.second) == abs(val.first - emplacement.first))) {
                return true;
        return false;
    }) == positions.end();

bool placerDame(int i) {
    bool bonnePosition = false;

    for (int j = 1; j <= LARGEUR_GRILLE && !bonnePosition; j++) {
        Point emplacement(i,j);
        if (verifierNonPrise(emplacement) && (i == LARGEUR_GRILLE || placerDame(i + 1))) {
            bonnePosition = true;
        else {

    return bonnePosition;

int main()
    using std::chrono::system_clock;

    system_clock::time_point begin_time = system_clock::now();

    int i = 1;
    for (vector<Point>::iterator it = positions.begin(); it!= positions.end(); it++) {
        cout << "(" << it->first << "; " << it->second << ")" << endl;

    system_clock::time_point end_time = system_clock::now();

    long long elapsed_milliseconds = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end_time - begin_time).count();
    cout << "Duration (milliseconds): "
         << elapsed_milliseconds
         << std::endl;    

Test this version, updated using C++11 features. 测试此版本,使用C ++ 11功能进行更新。 Tested in GCC 4.9.0 with -std=c++11 . 使用-std=c++11在GCC 4.9.0中测试。 Tested on Celeron 1.6 GHz, 512 MB RAM. 在Celeron 1.6 GHz,512 MB RAM上测试。

Times in my PC: 我电脑里的时间:
Original: Duration (milliseconds): 12658 原文: 持续时间(毫秒):12658
First Version: Duration (milliseconds): 3616 第一版: 持续时间(毫秒):3616
Optimized Version: Duration (milliseconds): 1745 优化版本: 持续时间(毫秒):1745

Changes are: 变化是:

  • Using vector instead of list Benchmark , and Words from Stroustrup . 使用vector而不是list BenchmarkStroustrup中的Words
  • Using const whatever we can, the compiler is able to optimize much more if it known that the value don't change. 尽可能使用const,如果知道值不变,编译器能够进行更多优化。
  • Using std::pair instead of Point. 使用std :: pair而不是Point。
  • Using new for-loop with constant iterators. 使用带有常量迭代器的新for循环。

Source: 资源:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

typedef std::pair<int, int> Point;

vector<Point> positions;

bool verifierNonPrise(const Point& emplacement) {
    bool nonPrise = true;
    for (const auto& p : positions) {
        if (p.first != emplacement.first) {
            if (p.second == emplacement.second) {
                nonPrise = false;
            if (abs(p.second - emplacement.second) ==
                abs(p.first - emplacement.first)) {
                nonPrise = false;

    return nonPrise;

bool placerDame(int i) {
    bool bonnePosition = false;
    for (int j = 1; j <= LARGEUR_GRILLE && !bonnePosition; j++) {
        Point emplacement(i, j);
        if (verifierNonPrise(emplacement) &&
            (i == LARGEUR_GRILLE || placerDame(i + 1))) {
            bonnePosition = true;
        } else {

    return bonnePosition;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    std::chrono::system_clock::time_point begin_time =


    for (const auto& p : positions) {
        cout << "(" << p.first << "; " << p.second << ")" << endl;

    std::chrono::system_clock::time_point end_time =
    long long elapsed_milliseconds =
            end_time - begin_time).count();
    std::cout << "Duration (milliseconds): " << elapsed_milliseconds
              << std::endl;

    return 0;

Some more deep changes. 一些更深刻的变化。

Changes include: 变化包括:

  • Returning as early as possible. 尽早回来。 As soon as the queen can not be placed. 女王一旦不能放置。
  • Returning to a simpler Point class. 回到更简单的Point类。
  • Using find_if algorithm for searching queen placement. 使用find_if算法搜索女王位置。

Source (some recommendation updated): 来源(一些建议更新):

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

struct Point {
    int x, y;

vector<Point> positions;

bool verifierNonPrise(const Point& emplacement) {
    return find_if(positions.cbegin(), positions.cend(), [&emplacement](const Point& p) {
               return (p.x != emplacement.x &&
                       (p.y == emplacement.y ||
                        abs(p.y - emplacement.y) == abs(p.x - emplacement.x)));
           }) == positions.cend();

bool placerDame(int i) {
    for (int j = 1; j <= LARGEUR_GRILLE; j++) {
        Point emplacement{i, j};
        if (verifierNonPrise(emplacement) &&
            (i == LARGEUR_GRILLE || placerDame(i + 1))) {
            return true;
        } else {
    return false;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    std::chrono::system_clock::time_point begin_time =


    for (const auto& p : positions) {
        cout << "(" << p.x << "; " << p.y << ")" << endl;

    std::chrono::system_clock::time_point end_time =
    long long elapsed_milliseconds =
            end_time - begin_time).count();
    std::cout << "Duration (milliseconds): " << elapsed_milliseconds
              << std::endl;

    return 0;

Comparing a managed, dynamically compiled language like Java to a statically compiled language like C++ is very difficult. 将托管的,动态编译的语言(如Java)与静态编译的语言(如C ++)进行比较非常困难。

You will always be comparing apples to oranges in a sense, because they are conceptually very different. 在某种意义上,你总是将苹果与橙子进行比较,因为它们在概念上非常不同。 It starts with the use of the standard libraries (ArrayList vs std::list/vector) that will have potentially wildly different performance characteristics, even your code looks similar in both languages. 它首先使用标准库(ArrayList vs std :: list / vector),它们可能具有可能截然不同的性能特征,即使您的代码在两种语言中看起来都相似。

Then there is the inherent problem with microbenchmarks in Java (short test in Java are always slower because the JIT will observe program flow before it decides what and how it is to be compiled). 然后在Java中存在微基准测试的固有问题(Java中的短测试总是较慢,因为JIT将在决定编译的内容和方式之前观察程序流程)。 Same goes for compiler options for C++, even the structure of the source code (independently compiled and linked classes versus single file source) can make a significant difference (because it changes the amount of "insight" the C++ compiler has into the other classes). 对于C ++的编译器选项也是如此,即使源代码的结构 (独立编译和链接的类与单个文件源)也会产生显着差异(因为它会改变C ++编译器对其他类的“洞察力”) 。

Next is the general difference in memory management, garbage collection vs manual memory management (smart pointers etc. are still considered manual memory management). 接下来是内存管理,垃圾收集与手动内存管理(智能指针等仍然被认为是手动内存管理)的一般差异。

Not to mention the general language differences like you need to explicitly declare a method virtual in C++, while in Java every member method is virtual by default (working out if it's really virtual at runtime is left to the VM). 更不用说像C ++中显式声明方法虚拟所需的一般语言差异,而在Java中,默认情况下每个成员方法都是虚拟的(如果它在运行时真的是虚拟的,那么就可以计算出来)。

With all those differences there will always be cases where one langauge will have a massive advantage over the other. 由于存在所有这些差异,总会出现一种情况,即一种语言相对于另一种语言具有巨大优势。 A simple test with very limited scope (like your test here) says very little about each language as a whole. 一个范围非常有限的简单测试(就像你在这里的测试一样)对每种语言的整体说法很少。

Another point people often tend to ignore is: How productive can you be with a language - speed isn't everything (look a how sucessful script langages are in some domains, despite being hardly competive when looking only at excution speed). 人们经常倾向于忽视的另一点是:你对语言的效率如何 - 速度并不是一切(看看在一些领域中成功的脚本语言,尽管在仅仅考虑执行速度时几乎没有竞争力)。 Lack of performance can be crippling, but so can be low productivity. 缺乏性能可能会造成严重损失,但生产率也会降低。

I may be beating a dead horse here, but simply doing a line by line translation of the Java to C++, not even using const reference parameters or any such thing, you can see the C++ is almost twice as fast as Java. 我可能在这里击败了一匹死马,但只是简单地将Java逐行转换为C ++,甚至不使用const引用参数或任何此类东西,你可以看到C ++的速度几乎是Java的两倍。 All the "syntactic optimization" emplacing etc. has little effect if any... 如果有的话,所有“句法优化”安置等都没什么影响......

rep ~/Documents $ g++ -O3 Queen.cpp
rep ~/Documents $ javac Queen.java 
rep ~/Documents $ time java Queen 
(1; 1)
(2; 3)
(3; 5)
(4; 2)
(5; 4)
(6; 10)
(7; 14)
(8; 17)
(9; 20)
(10; 13)
(11; 19)
(12; 22)
(13; 18)
(14; 8)
(15; 21)
(16; 12)
(17; 9)
(18; 6)
(19; 16)
(20; 7)
(21; 11)
(22; 15)

real    0m4.806s
user    0m4.857s
sys     0m0.067s
rep ~/Documents $ time ./a.out
(1; 1)
(2; 3)
(3; 5)
(4; 2)
(5; 4)
(6; 10)
(7; 14)
(8; 17)
(9; 20)
(10; 13)
(11; 19)
(12; 22)
(13; 18)
(14; 8)
(15; 21)
(16; 12)
(17; 9)
(18; 6)
(19; 16)
(20; 7)
(21; 11)
(22; 15)

real    0m2.131s
user    0m2.113s
sys     0m0.000s
rep ~/Documents $

Queen.java (translated to english) Queen.java(翻译成英文)

import java.awt.Point;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Queen {

    private static List<Point> positions = new ArrayList<>();
    private static final int GRID_SIZE = 22;

    public static void main(String[] args) 
        int i = 1;
        for (Point point : positions) 
            System.out.println("(" + point.x + "; " + point.y + ")");

    private static boolean placeQueen(int i) 
        boolean bIsGoodPos = false;
        for (int j = 1; j <= GRID_SIZE && bIsGoodPos == false; j++) 
            Point emplacement = new Point(i, j);
            if (verifyPos(emplacement) && (i == GRID_SIZE || placeQueen(i + 1))) 
                bIsGoodPos = true;
                positions.remove(i - 1);

        return bIsGoodPos;

    private static boolean verifyPos(Point position) 
        boolean bIsSafe = true;
        for (Point point : positions) 
            if (!point.equals(position)) 
                if (position.y == point.y) 
                    bIsSafe = false;
                if (Math.abs(position.y - point.y) == Math.abs(position.x - point.x)) 
                    bIsSafe = false;

        return bIsSafe;

Queen.cpp Queen.cpp

#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

struct Point
    int x, y;
    Point(int ii, int jj):x(ii), y(jj){}

vector<Point> positions;
int GRID_SIZE = 22;

bool verifyPos(Point position) 
    bool bIsSafe = true;
    for(int i = 0; i < positions.size(); ++i) 
        Point point = positions[i];
        if(point.x != position.x || point.y != position.y) 
            if(position.y == point.y) 
                bIsSafe = false;
            if(abs(position.y - point.y) == abs(position.x - point.x)) 
                bIsSafe = false;

    return bIsSafe;

bool placeQueen(int i) 
    bool bIsGoodPos = false;
    for(int j = 1; j <= GRID_SIZE && bIsGoodPos == false; j++) 
        Point p(i, j);
        if(verifyPos(p) && (i == GRID_SIZE || placeQueen(i + 1))) 
            bIsGoodPos = true;
    return bIsGoodPos;

int main(void) 
    int i = 1;
    for(int i = 0; i < positions.size(); ++i) 
        Point p = positions[i];
        cout << "(" << p.x << "; " << p.y << ")" << endl;

    return 0;

C++ can do it in 21 ms (on a old core i7-860) if you use bit maps. 如果你使用位图,C ++可以在21毫秒内(在旧的核心i7-860上)完成。 For the timing run I commented out the showSoln() call since a graphic display of the chess board takes twice as long as finding the solution. 对于计时运行,我注释掉了showSoln()调用,因为棋盘的图形显示需要两倍于查找解决方案。

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <omp.h>                        //omp_get_wtime() is my favorite time function
using namespace std;

static const unsigned n(22);            //size of board
static_assert(n<32,"use long unsigned for bit masks if n > 32");
static const unsigned mask((1U<<n)-1);  //n wide bitmask with every bit set

void showSoln(unsigned* selCol, unsigned numSoln) {     //show a solution
    cout << "\nsolution " << numSoln << '\n';
    for (unsigned row=0; row<n; ++row) {
        for (unsigned col=0; col<n; ++col)
            cout << (col==selCol[row]? " Q": " .");
        cout << '\n';

void main() {
    //for each row bitmasks that show what columns are attacked, 1 bit means attacked
    unsigned ulAttack[n];           //cols attacked from upper left, shift right for next row
    unsigned upAttack[n];           //cols attacked from straight up, same for next row
    unsigned urAttack[n];           //cols attacked from upper right, shift left for next row
    unsigned allAttack[n];          //OR of all attacks on given row
    allAttack[0]= ulAttack[0]= upAttack[0]= urAttack[0]= 0; //no attacks on row 0
    unsigned row= 0;                //the row where now placing a queen 
    unsigned selCol[n];             //for each row the selected column
    unsigned numSoln= 0;            //count of soutions found
    double wtime= omp_get_wtime();
    for (;;) {                                          //loop until find 1st (or all) solutions
        if (allAttack[row]!=mask) {                     //if 'row' has a column not attacked
            unsigned long bit;
            _BitScanForward(&bit,~allAttack[row]);      //find lowest column not attacked
            //note - your compiler may have a different intrinsic for find lowest set bit
            selCol[row]= bit;                           //remember selected column for this row
            unsigned move= 1U<<bit;                     //convert selected column to bitmask
            allAttack[row]|= move;                      //mark column attacked to prevent re-use
            if (row==n-1) {                             //if move in last row have a soln
                break;                                  //remove this break if want all solutions
            } else {                                    //no solution yet, fill in rows below
                unsigned nrow= row+1;                   //next row
                //from attacks on this row plus 'move' decide attacks on row below
                ulAttack[nrow]= (ulAttack[row] | move) >> 1;
                upAttack[nrow]= (upAttack[row] | move);
                urAttack[nrow]= ((urAttack[row] | move) << 1) & mask;
                allAttack[nrow]= ulAttack[nrow] | upAttack[nrow] | urAttack[nrow];
                row= nrow;                              //go to next row
        } else {                //else move on 'row' is impossible so backtrack
            if (!row)           //if backtrack from row 0 have found all solutions
            --row;              //try next move in prior row
    wtime= omp_get_wtime() - wtime;
    cout << "numSoln= " << numSoln << '\n';
    cout << "time= " << wtime*1000 << " msec\n";

Also, there is no reason to use float/doouble types for the coordinates. 此外,没有理由为坐标使用float / doouble类型。

You should gain performance if you do not force calling floating point abs library call in your C++ 如果不强制在C ++中调用浮点abs库调用,则应该获得性能

Java stores the Point coordinates as integer. Java将Point坐标存储为整数。 The get functions return double, however this is probably easier to optimize away in Java, then in c++. get函数返回double,但这可能更容易在Java中进行优化,然后在c ++中进行优化。

It seems that for code that requires not too much memory access and intensive computing the difference between Java an C++ is low. 似乎对于需要不太多内存访问和密集计算的代码,Java和C ++之间的差异很小。 But in the opposite situation the difference looks amazing : 但在相反的情况下,差异看起来很惊人:

test.java test.java

import java.lang.String;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class test{
    private static Random gna=new Random();

    public static double new_value(double value){
        if (value<0.5) value=0;
        return value*value;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        long start_time = System.currentTimeMillis();   
        List<Double> ze_list=new ArrayList();
        for (int i=0;i<1e8;i++){
            double temp=new_value(gna.nextDouble());
        long end_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println("Time (s) :"+ ((end_time-start_time)/1000));
        Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
        String inputval = input.next();

and compare it to test.cpp : 并将其与test.cpp进行比较:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <ctime>
#include <random>
using namespace std;

static default_random_engine dre1(time(0));
static uniform_real_distribution <double> urd1(0, 1);

static double new_value(double value){
    if (value<0.5) value=0;
    return value*value;

int main(void){
        time_t tbegin,tend;
        double texec=0;
        vector<double> ze_list;
        for (int i=0;i<1e8;i++){
            double temp=new_value(urd1(dre1));
        cout << "\nTime (s) " << texec << " s\n";
        int val=0;
        cin >> val;
    return 0;

I just tested it on my Mac : 我刚在Mac上测试过它:

  • the Java version took 90s and required 3.77 Go Java版本耗时90秒,需要3.77 Go
  • the C++ programm took 2s and required only 770 Mo C ++程序耗时2秒,只需要770 Mo.

Maybe there is a possibility to increase Java performances but I cannot see how. 也许有可能增加Java性能,但我看不出如何。

Java passes objects to methods as references and those references are passed by value, but C++ passes objects by value. Java将对象作为引用传递给方法,并且这些引用按值传递,但C ++按值传递对象。

You should change C++ code to make it same as Java (Pass pointers in C++ intstead of passing objects): 您应该更改C ++代码以使其与Java相同(在C ++中传递指针而不是传递对象):

bool verifierNonPrise(Point* emplacement) // The correct way for passing arguments.

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