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在 JavaScript 中将“Sentence case”转换为“camelCase”

[英]Convert "Sentence case" to "camelCase" in JavaScript

Having a difficult time finding a solution to this, there are several solutions for the reverse.很难找到解决方案,有几种相反的解决方案。

I have considered replacing every " " and the following first character with an uppercase version of itself:我已经考虑将每个“”和以下第一个字符替换为自身的大写版本:

value.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, function (g) { return g[1].toUpperCase() })

Only, the regex /\s+/g needs to be changed to match the first character.只是,正则表达式/\s+/g需要更改以匹配第一个字符。

If there is an existing question that is exactly this, provide link and I will close this myself.如果存在一个正是这样的问题,请提供链接,我将自己关闭它。 I can't find a solution on SO我在 SO 上找不到解决方案


"I walk my dog to the park" or "i Walk my DOG to the Park" => "iWalkMyDogToThePark" “我遛狗去公园”或“我遛狗去公园”=>“iWalkMyDogToThePark”

You need to catch the next character.你需要抓住下一个角色。 You can use (.) or ([az])您可以使用 (.) 或 ([az])

var toCamelCase = function(string){
  return string.replace(/\s+(.)/g, function (match, group) { 
    return group.toUpperCase()  

Maybe you could use this:也许你可以使用这个:

function camelCase(value) { 
    return value.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+(.)/g, function(match, group1) {
        return group1.toUpperCase();

(taken from here ) (取自这里

Are you looking for something like this:你在寻找这样的东西:

var string = "Hello there what are You doing yes";
string.replace(/([A-Z])([a-z]+)\s+([a-z])([a-z]+)/g, function($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { 
    return $2.toLowerCase() + $3 + $4.toUpperCase() + $5; 

This prints out "helloThere what are youDoing yes" .这会打印出"helloThere what are youDoing yes"

You can use this camel case conversion code:您可以使用此驼峰转换代码:

function toCamelCase(str) {
  return str.replace(/(?:^.|[A-Z]|\b.)/g, function(letter, index) {
    return index == 0 ? letter.toLowerCase() : letter.toUpperCase();
  }).replace(/\s+/g, '');

var val = toCamelCase("Sentence case");
//=> sentenceCase

val = toCamelCase('hello how are you');
//=> helloHowAreYou

I think a simpler solution can be achieved without Regex.我认为没有正则表达式可以实现更简单的解决方案。 Just split the string from spaces, and join them with the appropriate casing.只需将字符串与空格分开,然后用适当的外壳将它们连接起来。

var value = '...';

var camelCase = value.split(' ').map(function(word, i) {
    return (word[0] || '')[i == 0 ? 'toLowerCase' : 'toUpperCase']() +

JSFiddle JSFiddle

I ended up doing the following (ES6):我最终做了以下(ES6):

function camelCase (str) {
    return str.split(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g).map((x, index) => {
        if (index === 0) return x.toLowerCase()
        return x.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + x.substr(1).toLowerCase()

It takes the assumption that in general, the aim to convert to camelCase is for variables, so no accents or odd chars should be present (or will be split).它假设通常转换为驼峰式大小写的目的是针对变量,因此不应存在重音或奇数字符(或将被拆分)。

camelCase("I walk my dog to the park")
> "iWalkMyDogToThePark"
function camelCase(sentence){
  return sentence.replace("\'","").split(' ').map((item,index) => (index === 0 ? item[0].toLowerCase() : item[0].toUpperCase())+item.substring(1)).join('');

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