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MoSync Android:浏览文件系统

[英]MoSync Android : Browse File System

I am creating an app in MoSync for Android and iOS . 我正在MoSync中Android和iOS创建一个应用程序。

I am using HTML5/JS/JQuery Mobile , and I need an example on how to browse a file in a MoSync App . 我正在使用HTML5 / JS / JQuery Mobile ,并且需要一个有关如何在MoSync App中浏览文件的示例。

I used simple: 我用简单的:

<input type="file" />

tag, which is rendering normal file browse of HTML. 标记,用于呈现HTML的常规文件浏览。 However, when tapped on it, nothing is there. 但是,当点击它时,什么都没有。

Can any one help ? 有人可以帮忙吗?

I am not sure what exactly you need, but probably this part of documentation is what you need to read trough ... 我不确定您到底需要什么,但是文档的这一部分可能是您需要阅读的内容...

http://www.mosync.com/files/imports/doxygen/latest/html5/file.md.html#File http://www.mosync.com/files/imports/doxygen/latest/html5/file.md.html#File

this functions can get you access to filesystem, but I am afraid that if you need clasis "choose file" dialog, you need to render it yourself. 此功能可以使您访问文件系统,但恐怕如果您需要“选择文件”对话框,则需要自己进行渲染。

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