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如何使用python获取Facebook OAuth令牌?

[英]How to get facebook oauth token using python?

I want to get access token from facebook. 我想从Facebook获取访问令牌。 I am using facepy library. 我正在使用Facepy库。 I have posted snippets below. 我在下面发布了摘要。

# Application definition


 FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_INITIAL_PERMISSIONS = ['publish_actions', 'publish_stream', 'manage_pages']

this is my urls.py 这是我的urls.py

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^$', 'face.views.authorize_application', name='authorize_application'),
    url(r'^rag_the_app/$', 'face.views.get_token', name='get_token'),
    url(r'^oauth/access_token/$', 'face.views.manage_pages', name='manage_pages'),

this is my views.py 这是我的views.py

import urllib
from facepy import GraphAPI
from facepy.utils import get_extended_access_token

def authorize_application(request):

    query = {
        'client_id': FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_ID,
        'redirect_uri': 'http://%s:8000/%s' % (FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_DOMAIN, FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_NAMESPACE),

    return render(
        request = request,
        template_name = 'authorization.html',
        dictionary = {
            'url': 'https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?%s' % urllib.urlencode(query)
        status = 401

def get_token(request):

    code = request.GET.get('code', '')

    query = {
        'client_id': FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_ID,
        'redirect_uri': 'http://%s:8000/%s' % (FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_DOMAIN, FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_NAMESPACE),
        'client_secret': FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_SECRET_KEY,
        'code': code

    return render(
        request = request,
        template_name = 'authorization.html',
        dictionary = {
            'url': 'https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?%s' % urllib.urlencode(query)
    request.session['access_token'] = response['access_token']

def manage_pages(request):

    oauth_access_token = get_extended_access_token(access_token, FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_ID, FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_SECRET_KEY)
    graph = GrahAPI(oauth_access_token)
    page_id = '263880043816054'
    og_path = "%d/feed" %page_id
    graph.post( path = og_path, message = "hello page" )

Facebook App basic setting Facebook App基本设置

canvas url: http://localhost:8000 
secure canvas url: https://localhost:8000
app_domain: localhost:8000

Facebook App advanced settings Facebook App高级设置

Valid OAuth redirect URIs 有效的OAuth重定向URI


When I run my server, it raises an error 当我运行服务器时,它会引发错误

Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the App's domains.

How can I get the access token? 如何获得访问令牌? what am i doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

You need to expose your dev server to the Internet and give Facebook a way of reaching you for that callback. 您需要将开发服务器公开到Internet,并为Facebook提供一种回调方法。 You can't use localhost. 您不能使用localhost。

All of: 所有的:

  • Canvas URL 画布网址
  • Secure Canvas URL 安全画布URL
  • Valid OAuth redirect URIs 有效的OAuth重定向URI

...should be the domain/URL of your server, as reachable to the Internets. ...应该是您的服务器的域/ URL,可以通过互联网访问。

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