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PHP使用?object = value通过URL传递变量

[英]PHP Pass variable through URL using ?object=value

I know there's a bunch of these topics out there, but all the answers are simply not working for me. 我知道有很多这样的话题,但是所有的答案对我都不起作用。 I've tried everything I could find, and I'm still right where I started. 我已经尽了一切所能,但我仍然是我的起点。 I'm trying to pass a variable through a URL: 我正在尝试通过URL传递变量:

<a href="test2.php?one="<?php echo $_GET['one']; ?>">link</a>

When clicking on the "link", it redirects me to the appropriate page (test2.php), but leaves the value blank (resulting in localhost/test2.php?one=). 单击“链接”时,它会将我重定向到相应的页面(test2.php),但将值保留为空白(导致localhost / test2.php?one =)。 This means I can no longer see what variable was being sent. 这意味着我不再能看到发送了什么变量。

$one = $_GET['one'];
echo $one;

How can I properly send the variable from test.php to test2.php? 如何正确地将变量从test.php发送到test2.php?

Remove quotes from the href value: href值中删除引号:

<a href="test2.php?one=<?php echo $_GET['one']; ?>">link</a>
<!--                 ^^^ - quotes missing here -->


<a href="test2.php?one=<?php echo $_GET['one']; ?>">link</a>

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