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Java String 完成数学求和

[英]Java String to complete mathematical sum

In java, I am currently in the process of trying to find a way to do mathematical sums by typing in text to a JTextField, putting it into a String, and converting it to an int and solving.在 java 中,我目前正在尝试找到一种方法来进行数学求和,方法是将文本输入 JTextField,将其放入 String,然后将其转换为 int 并求解。 The problem is however, I don't want to simply put a number into the string but an actual sum including addition, subtraction etc.然而,问题是,我不想简单地将数字放入字符串中,而是将实际总和包括加法、减法等。

Currently it will accept just doing something like, 1 which will go from string and convert to an int, but when I do '1+1' or even just '1+' it throws exceptions everywhere because '+' isn't a number.目前它会接受只做类似的事情,1 将从字符串转换为 int,但是当我做 '1+1' 甚至只是 '1+' 时,它会在任何地方抛出异常,因为 '+' 不是数字.
Which I already understand that it wont work because int's only allow numbers.我已经知道它不起作用,因为 int 只允许数字。

Is there a way I can safely type a complete sum into the text field and convert it to an int somehow?有没有办法可以安全地在文本字段中输入完整的总和并将其转换为 int ? Like typing 7-2*5 and then the answer being held in an int?就像输入 7-2*5 然后将答案保存在 int 中一样?


You can use the JavaScript engine:您可以使用JavaScript引擎:

ScriptEngineManager mgr = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = mgr.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
String expression = textField.getText();

Edit to allow all equations:编辑以允许所有方程:

All you have to do now to allow things like sin, cos, tan is this:您现在要做的就是允许诸如sin、cos、tan 之类的事情:

ScriptEngineManager mgr = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = mgr.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
String expression = textField.getText();

// Between here...
        expression = expression.
                replace("sin", "Math.sin").
                replace("cos", "Math.cos").
                replace("tan", "Math.tan").
                replace("sqrt", "Math.sqrt").
                replace("log", "Math.log").
                replace("pi", "Math.PI");
// And so on...


So then you can do something like:那么你可以做这样的事情:

5 + 5 - 2 / 5 + sin(55) - log(20)

Anything you want.任何你想要的。

This will do it for you.这将为您做到。

  import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager;
    import javax.script.ScriptEngine;

    public class Test {
      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
        ScriptEngineManager mgr = new ScriptEngineManager();
        ScriptEngine engine = mgr.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
        String foo = "40+2";//any mathematical operations +,-,*,/ 

Here you can put the methods describing the log/cos etc functions您可以在这里放置描述 log/cos 等功能的方法

String st = "10+3";
int result;
for(int i=0;i<st.length();i++)
    result=Integer.parseInt(st.substring(0, i))+Integer.parseInt(st.substring(i+1, st.length()));

See to java.util.regex.Matcher or java.util.regex.Pattern For ex:请参阅 java.util.regex.Matcher 或 java.util.regex.Pattern 例如:

import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class IpDnsValidateUtils {
    public static final int MAX_DNS_LEN = 39;
    private static final Pattern ptrnIp = Pattern
    private static final Pattern ptrnDomainName = Pattern

    public static boolean isValidIp(String value, boolean emptyTrue) {  boolean ret = false;    if (!value.isEmpty() || !emptyTrue) {
        Matcher m = ptrnIp.matcher(value);
        ret = m.matches();  } else {
        ret = true;     }   return ret;

    public static boolean isValidDns(String value, boolean emptyTrue) {     boolean ret = false;    if (!value.isEmpty() || !emptyTrue) {
        Matcher m = ptrnDomainName.matcher(value);
        ret = m.matches();  } else {
        ret = true;     }   return ret;
    } }

or StringTokenizer class或 StringTokenizer 类

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