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[英]error when sending email from asp.net contact page

Iam trying to send an email from my contact page but I keep getting an error 我试图从我的联系页面发送电子邮件,但我不断收到错误消息

I have pasted my code below as well as the error message that is appearing. 我已经在下面粘贴了我的代码以及出现的错误消息。

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

    Dim SendPw As New System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
    Dim Smtp As New System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient()

    SendPw.From = New System.Net.Mail.MailAddress("shumbasoft@gmail.com")
    SendPw.Subject = "Password for you"
    SendPw.Priority = Net.Mail.MailPriority.High
    SendPw.Body = "This your new password: "
    SendPw.IsBodyHtml = False
    Smtp.Host = "smtp.gmail.com"
    Smtp.DeliveryMethod = System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryMethod.PickupDirectoryFromIis
End Sub


Have you configure IIS ? 您配置了IIS吗? or make a try with this code, it give good result for me: 或尝试使用此代码,它将为我带来良好的效果:

Dim msgMail As New MailMessage()
Dim myMessage As New MailMessage()
myMessage.From = New MailAddress("sender's email", "sender`s name and surname")
myMessage.[To].Add("recipient's email")
myMessage.Subject = "Subject"
myMessage.IsBodyHtml = True

myMessage.Body = "Message Body"

Dim mySmtpClient As New SmtpClient()
Dim myCredential As New System.Net.NetworkCredential("email", "password")
mySmtpClient.Host = "your smtp host address"
mySmtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = False
mySmtpClient.Credentials = myCredential
mySmtpClient.ServicePoint.MaxIdleTime = 1


you need to import Imports system.net.mail 您需要导入Imports system.net.mail

this did the trick for me!! 这对我有用!! from the localhost to gmail 从本地主机到gmail

 Dim Body As String = "From: " + fname.Text + " " + lname.Text + Environment.NewLine +              "Email:  " + email.Text + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Message" + Environment.NewLine + txtComment.Text

    Dim xx As New System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient
    xx.EnableSsl = True
    xx.Host = "smtp.gmail.com"
    Dim cred As New System.Net.NetworkCredential("example@gmail.com", "examplepassword")
    xx.Credentials = cred
    xx.Send(email.Text, "sendexample@gmail.com ", subject.Text, Body)
    lblEmail.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Green
    lblEmail.Text = "message sent"
    lblEmail.Visible = True

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