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[英]AutoMapper Merge Two Types Ignoring one property

I have this entity: 我有这个实体:

public class MyType
    public Guid Id {get;set;}
    public string Name {get;set;}

I want to merge two of these types together, but the source Id needs to be unchanged. 我想将这两种类型合并在一起,但源Id必须保持不变。

So the objects are filled as such: 因此,对象按如下方式填充:

From the Database => MyType {
    Id: 012312-42134-12321-12,
    Name: "This Type"

From the View => MySecondType {
    Id: null,
    Name: "This Type Changed"

And I want to merge MySecondType into MyType but ignore the Id field in the merge. 我想将MySecondType合并到MyType但忽略合并中的Id字段。

So I thought maybe doing: 所以我想也许正在做:

Mapper.Map(mySecondType, myType);

To get the database myType to be filled with the view mySecondType but there is not setting to ignore a property. 若要获取数据库myType来填充视图mySecondType但没有设置忽略的属性。

When setting up your AutoMapper you could ignore a property: 设置AutoMapper时,可以忽略属性:

    .CreateMap<MySecondType, MyType>()
    .ForMember(x => x.Id, opt => opt.Ignore());

This being said, it would make far more sense to use a view model in ASP.NET MVC. 话虽这么说,在ASP.NET MVC中使用视图模型会更有意义。 So you would have your DB bound model MyType with Id and Name properties and have a MyTypeViewModel which will only have a Name property and be used in your view. 因此,您将拥有具有IdName属性的数据库绑定模型MyType ,并具有MyTypeViewModel ,该MyTypeViewModel仅具有Name属性并在视图中使用。 Then you don't need to be ignoring any properties. 然后,您无需忽略任何属性。 This will automatically come from the design of your view models. 这将自动来自您的视图模型的设计。

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