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RadioButton jQuery Mobile格式问题

[英]RadioButton jQuery Mobile formatting issues

I am trying to get a radio button list using an AJAX call. 我正在尝试使用AJAX调用获取单选按钮列表。 However there are problems in the formatting with my list looking like this. 但是,我的列表看起来像这样在格式化方面存在问题。


This is my code: 这是我的代码:

    function( data ){
    $('#semList').html( data )
    .controlgroup( 'refresh' );


<div data-role="fieldcontain">
        <fieldset data-role="controlgroup" id="semList" style="margin-left : 30px;">
        <!-- FROM PHP Response -->
        <input type="radio" class="radio-choice" value="'.$row['Enrolment_session'].'_'.$row['Semester_session'].'" />';
        <label>'.$row['Enrolment_session'].' '.$row['Semester_session'].'</label>;
        <!-- END OF PHP Response -->

There are 2 problems with your code: 您的代码有2个问题:

The label needs a for attribute and the input needs a unique id such that the for and id have the same value. 标签需要一个for属性,输入需要一个唯一的id,以便for和id具有相同的值。 e,g: 例如:

<input type="radio" name="radioGroup" id="rad0" class="radio-choice">
<label for="rad0">The Radio Label</label>

After adding the dynamic radio buttons, instead of refreshing the controlgroup, initialize the checkboxradio widget: 添加动态单选按钮后,而不是刷新控制组,而是初始化checkboxradio小部件:

$('#semList').html( data );
$('#semList input[type="radio"]').checkboxradio();

Here is a working DEMO 这是一个有效的演示

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