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[英]How to set a form field value by using setter in Symfony2

I have a form that have an own model contains setters and getters like that: 我有一个具有自己的模型的表单,其中包含像这样的setter和getter:

class CommentAdd
    protected $content;

    protected $yandexCaptcha;

    protected $isAnonymous;

    public function setContent($content)
        $this->content = $content;

    public function getContent()
        return $this->content;

    public function setYandexCaptcha(YandexCaptcha $yandexCaptcha) {
        $this->yandexCaptcha = $yandexCaptcha;

    public function getYandexCaptcha() {
        return $this->yandexCaptcha;

    public function setIsAnonymous($isAnonymous) {
        $this->isAnonymous = $isAnonymous;

    public function getIsAnonymous() {
        return $this->isAnonymous;

So what is the way to set any field value by calling setter? 那么,通过调用setter设置任何字段值的方法是什么? I know the way to get any value by using getter ($form->getData()->getValue()) but I don't know the way to set. 我知道使用getter($ form-> getData()-> getValue())获取任何值的方法,但我不知道设置的方法。

Update: 更新:

The form object is created so: 表单对象的创建如下:

    $commentAddForm = $this->createForm(new CommentAddType(), new CommentAdd(), [
        'action' => $this->generateUrl('blog_comment_add', ['id' => $id]),
        'is_authenticated' => $this->container->get('security.context')->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED')

//That will return value by using the getter getContent from CommentAdd model

//That will return value without using getter from the model

//Now I want to know the way to set any data by using setter from the model
$commentAddForm-> ???

PS I'm sorry for my English. 附注:对不起,我的英语。

You set the data on the object instance from which you create the form; 您在创建表单的对象实例上设置数据; not on the form fields themselves. 不在表单字段本身上。 As per the Symfony documentation : 根据Symfony文档

$task = new Task();
$task->setTask('Write a blog post');
$task->setDueDate(new \DateTime('tomorrow'));

$form = $this->createFormBuilder($task)
    ->add('task', 'text')
    ->add('dueDate', 'date')
    ->add('save', 'submit')

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