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[英]Advice on workflow for an 8 step application with ANGULAR.js

I'm creating an application with Angular.js and I'm getting a bit confused of how to use Angular to make it. 我正在使用Angular.js创建一个应用程序,并且对如何使用Angular制作它感到有些困惑。

Below, you can see a preview of what I have for the moment, it's ugly but it works. 在下面,您可以预览一下我目前所拥有的东西,虽然很丑陋,但是可以用。

I just feel like there is much better ways of doing this, and would like to get other user inputs, knowing this : 我只是觉得有更好的方法可以做到这一点,并且想了解其他用户的意见:

The application will: 1) collect inputs over 8 steps 2) dependeing of those inputs, display specific results. 该应用程序将:1)通过8个步骤收集输入2)依靠这些输入,显示特定结果。 3) Being able to go to any state at any moment 3)随时可以进入任何状态

// Create an application module
var app = angular.module('website', ['ngSanitize','ngAnimate','ui.router']);

app.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {



        .state('home', {
            url: "/home",
            templateUrl: "js/partials/home.html",
            controller: HomeCtrl

        .state('step1', {
            url: "/step1",
            templateUrl: "js/partials/step1.html",
            controller: Step1Ctrl

        .state('step2', {
            url: "/step2",
            templateUrl: "js/partials/step2.html",
            controller: Step2Ctrl

        .state('step3', {
            url: "/step3",
            templateUrl: "js/partials/step3.html",
            controller: Step3Ctrl

        .state('step4', {
            url: "/step4",
            templateUrl: "js/partials/step4.html",
            controller: Step4Ctrl

        .state('step5', {
            url: "/step5",
            templateUrl: "js/partials/step5.html",
            controller: Step5Ctrl

        .state('step6', {
            url: "/step6",
            templateUrl: "js/partials/step6.html",
            controller: Step6Ctrl


function getNewPercentageValue(step,percent){
    var NewPercentage = 0;
        NewPercentage = percent * step;
        $rootScope.values.ActualPercentage = (100/8);
        NewPercentage = $rootScope.values.ActualPercentage * step;
    return NewPercentage;

function HomeCtrl($scope, $http, $rootScope, $state) { 
    $rootScope.values = {
        ActualPercentageSteps: (100/8),
        ActualPercentage: 0

function Step1Ctrl($scope, $http, $rootScope, $state) {

    $rootScope.values.ActualPercentage = getNewPercentageValue(1,$rootScope.values.ActualPercentageSteps);

    $scope.services = [
        {name: 'Service 1', id: 1},
        {name: 'Service 2', id: 2},
        {name: 'Service 3', id: 3},
        {name: 'Service 4', id: 4},

    $scope.FormCtrlAddService = function(service){


    $scope.FormCtrlRemoveService = function(service){



function Step2Ctrl($scope, $http, $rootScope, $state) {
    STEP 2  

    $rootScope.values.ActualPercentage = getNewPercentageValue(2,$rootScope.values.ActualPercentageSteps);

    $scope.FormCtrlAddKeyword = function(keyword){


    $scope.FormCtrlRemoveKeyword = function(keyword){


    $scope.updateValue = function(value){


function Step3Ctrl($scope, $http, $rootScope, $state) {
    STEP 3

    $rootScope.values.ActualPercentage = getNewPercentageValue(3,$rootScope.values.ActualPercentageSteps);   

function Step4Ctrl($scope, $http, $rootScope, $state) {
    STEP 4

    $rootScope.values.ActualPercentage = getNewPercentageValue(4,$rootScope.values.ActualPercentageSteps);

function Step5Ctrl($scope, $http, $rootScope, $state) {


function Step6Ctrl($scope, $http, $rootScope, $state) {


function Step7Ctrl($scope, $http, $rootScope, $state) {


You can define your controllers using app.controller("MyCtrl", function($scope){}) and then don't need to have all the globally defined functions (just reference them using a quoted string like controller:"MyCtrl"). 您可以使用app.controller(“ MyCtrl”,function($ scope){})定义控制器,然后不需要所有全局定义的函数(只需使用带引号的字符串(如controller:“ MyCtrl”)来引用它们) 。

Aside from that you can move your common data into a service or factory since both end up being singletons and will persist the data throughout the lifetime of the application, here's a plunk showing an example: 除此之外,您还可以将公共数据移动到服务或工厂中,因为两者最终都是单例的,并且将在应用程序的整个生命周期中保留数据,下面是一个显示示例的小例子:

http://plnkr.co/edit/4OYWi35Ke2GGDB6wY2W9 http://plnkr.co/edit/4OYWi35Ke2GGDB6wY2W9

main thing to note here is use of angular.copy when attempting to replace the entire object instead of just using = since both controllers are just pointing to the same referenced object so I don't ever want to create a new object and point the service at that or things would get disconnected. 这里要注意的主要事情是尝试替换整个对象时使用angular.copy而不是仅使用=,因为两个控制器都只指向同一个引用的对象,所以我永远不想创建一个新对象并指向该服务否则事情会断开。

var app = angular.module('plunker', []);

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, Service) {
  $scope.items = Service.items;

  $scope.someModel = {};

  $scope.addItem = function(item){
  $scope.resetItems = function(){

app.controller('AnotherCtrl', function($scope, Service) {
  $scope.items = Service.items;

app.service('Service', function($timeout){
  var someService = {
      someService.items.push({label:item, id:someService.id++});

      //simulated HTTP call
        angular.copy([], someService.items);
  return someService;

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