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[英]WPF binded Listbox bug when display 2 items

I have a WPF listbox in my window. 我的窗口中有一个WPF列表框。 In the Load event of the window, i create a List(of Object) and I added some items. 在窗口的Load事件中,我创建了一个List(对象),并添加了一些项目。 At application starts or debug, I can see items. 在应用程序启动或调试时,我可以看到项目。 If I add 1 item on the list, i correctly see 1 only item. 如果我在列表中添加1个项目,则我只能正确看到1个项目。 If I add 3 or more items, i correctly see 3 or more items. 如果我添加3个或更多项目,我正确地看到3个或更多项目。 If I add 2 only items, i see 1 only item. 如果我仅添加2个项目,则只能看到1个项目。 Why? 为什么?

Here is my WPF code 这是我的WPF代码

<Window x:Class="Cacatua.MainWindow"
        xmlns:local="clr-namespace:Cacatua;assembly=" >

        <ListBox Name="lbSearch" ItemsSource="{Binding}" />

And here is my code-behind (same assembly, in Cacatua namespace): 这是我的后台代码(相同的程序集,在Cacatua名称空间中):

Private myLstSearch As List(Of Object)

Private Sub Window_Loaded(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Loaded
     myLstSearch = New List(Of Object)
     lbSearch.ItemsSource = myLstSearch
     Dim myMedia1 as Media1

     myMedia1 = New Media1("IdMedia1-A")

     myMedia1 = New Media1("IdMedia1-B")
End Sub

where Media1 is a simple class that contains a string 其中Media1是包含字符串的简单类

Public Class Media1
    Private myIdTitolo As String
    Public ReadOnly Property IDTitolo As String
            Return (myIdTitolo)
        End Get
    End Property
    Public Sub New(str As String)
        myIdTitolo = str
    End Sub
End Class

With this code, I would see a list with this output (there is no datatemplate): Cacatua.Media1 Cacatua.Media1 使用此代码,我将看到带有此输出的列表(没有数据模板):Cacatua.Media1 Cacatua.Media1

but I see only Cacatua.Media1 但我只看到Cacatua.Media1

I think it's a bug. 我认为这是一个错误。 But am I the first with this problem? 但是我是第一个遇到这个问题的人吗?

You've got the right idea, but the problem is your ItemsSource doesn't know when to update since you're not using an ObservableCollection . 您有一个正确的想法,但是问题是您的ItemsSource不知道何时更新,因为您没有使用ObservableCollection Also there is a timing issue between rendering and loading the window, and I think this has to do with the fact you aren't properly binding your items source. 在渲染和加载窗口之间还存在时间问题,我认为这与您没有正确绑定项目源的事实有关。

For starters, try changing the type of myLstSearch to ObservableCollection(Of Media1) . 对于初学者,请尝试将myLstSearch的类型myLstSearchObservableCollection(Of Media1)

Also, a better way to do this would be to databind it from the XAML directly, so your code-behind would be something like: 另外,更好的方法是直接从XAML对其进行数据绑定,因此您的代码隐藏内容将类似于:

Public property MyListSearch As ObservableCollection(Of Media1)

Then your XAML would look like: 然后,您的XAML如下所示:

<Window x:Class="Cacatua.MainWindow"

        <ListBox Name="lbSearch" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=MyListSearch}" />

That way, you can simply initialize MyListSearch in your window constructor, and then add elements to it whenever, while your view will automatically update. 这样,您只需在窗口构造函数中初始化MyListSearch ,然后随时向其添加元素,而视图将自动更新。

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