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[英]Create Dictionary for delegates and events

I want to create a dictionary like this: 我想创建一个这样的字典:

public class MyClass
public delegate void CreateClickEvent(string value);
public event CreateClickEvent OnCreateClick;
public delegate void CreateHoverEvent(string value);
public event CreateHoverEvent OnCreateHover;

private Dictionary<string,Delegate> _myDictionary = null;

public MyClass()
    _myDictionary = new Dictionary<string,Delegate>();
    _myDictionary.Add("Click", OnCreateClick);
    _myDictionary.Add("Hover", OnCreateHover);

public void Call(string name)
    Delegate action;
    if (_myDictionary.TryGetValue(name, out action))
        if (action != null)
            action.DynamicInvoke( "something" );
        Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find action");

public class Tester()
    public Tester()
        MyClass MyClass = new MyClass();

    myClass.OnCreateClick += RaiseCreateClickEvent;
    myClass.OnCreateHover += RaiseCreateHoverEvent;

public void RaiseCreateClickEvent(string value)
    ///do it here

public void RaiseCreateHoverEvent(string value)
    ///do it here

but unfortunately, the method RaiseCreateClickEvent or RaiseCreateHoverEvent (class Tester) is not calling from Call method (class MyClass). 但不幸的是,方法RaiseCreateClickEventRaiseCreateHoverEvent (类Tester)不是从Call方法(类MyClass) 调用 And it's not giving any error and action variable is looking null and printing null . 并且它没有给出任何错误,并且操作变量看起来为null并且打印为null

What am I doing wrong here? 我在这做错了什么?

You have dictionary of delegates, but it keeps values of your events at the moment of creation of the dictionary. 您有代理字典,但它在创建字典时保留事件的 At that point both OnCreateXXXX are null . 此时, OnCreateXXXX都为null

As an option can use dictionary of Action and call event in each so action will use current value of the event, not the initial one: 作为一个选项,可以在每个操作中使用Action字典和调用事件,因此操作将使用事件的当前值,而不是初始值:

  private Dictionary<string,Action<string>> _myDictionary = 
       new Dictionary<string,Action<string>>();
         _myDictionary.Add("Click", s => OnCreateClick(s));
         _myDictionary.Add("Hover", s => OnCreateHover(s));

And use: 并使用:

  _myDictionary["Click"] ("sometext");

Note good reading on delegates (and especially how + / += impacts value) is available http://csharpindepth.com/Articles/Chapter2/Events.aspx 请注意代表们的良好阅读(特别是如何+ / +=影响价值)可用http://csharpindepth.com/Articles/Chapter2/Events.aspx

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