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为什么我不能用这个函数通过javascript设置z-index? (我知道camelcase)

[英]Why can't I set z-index through javascript with this function? (I know about camelcase)

Hi I want to change the z-index of my DOM element, so I used a function to do so. 嗨,我想更改我的DOM元素的z-index ,所以我使用了一个函数来实现。 The function works for many properties but not z-index I am using Dev Tools and I can see that it is not even being set on the element and I do not know why. 该函数适用于许多属性,但不适用于z-index我正在使用Dev Tools,我可以看到它甚至没有在元素上设置,我不知道为什么。

Javascript: 使用Javascript:

    function setStyle(obj, propertyObj) {
        for (var property in obj) {
                obj.style[property] = propertyObj[property];
    var img = new Image();
    img.onload = function() {
       setStyle(this, {'zIndex':'-5'}) ;
    img.src = 'test.jpg'


Thanks for the good answers. 谢谢你的好答案。

I was applying a border in the CSS code somewhere, so when I was looping through the objects properties border was being changed (but the same was not true for z-index ). 我在某个地方的CSS代码中应用了一个border ,所以当我循环遍历对象时,属性border正在被更改(但z-index并非如此)。

function setStyle(el, propertyObj) {
    for (var property in propertyObj){
          el.style[property] = propertyObj[property]

var img = new Image();
if(obj.style && obj.style.hasOwnProperty(property)){
    obj.style[property] = propertyObj[property];


document.getElementById('IDHERE').style.zIndex = "2000";

You have 2 errors: 你有2个错误:

Your for in loop is looping through image object, not the properties object. for in loop是循环遍历图像对象,而不是属性对象。

Your hasOwnProperty check is wrong (and unnecessary). 你的hasOwnProperty检查是错误的(并且是不必要的)。 You're checking to see if the obj has your style props, not whether the style object has the style props 您正在检查obj是否具有您的样式道具,而不是样式对象是否具有样式道具

It should read: 它应该是:

function setStyle(obj, propertyObj) {
    for (var property in propertyObj) {
        obj.style[property] = propertyObj[property];

Might as well add yet another answer... 不妨再添一个答案......

typeof obj.style === 'object' && Object.keys(propertyObj).forEach(function(key) {
    obj.style[key] = propertyObj[key];

IMO, Object.keys is superior to a for ... in loop as it is immune from Object prototype injection problems. IMO, Object.keys优于for ... in循环,因为它不受Object原型注入问题的影响。

This also ensures that obj has a style property to begin with. 这也确保了obj具有一个style属性。

Update 更新

Because some people are in to micro-optimisation, here it is without the Array.forEach 因为有些人正在进行微优化,所以没有Array.forEach

if (typeof obj.style === 'object') {
    var keys = Object.keys(propertyObj);
    for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
        var key = keys[i];
        obj.style[key] = propertyObj[key];

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