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[英]using subprocess module in python to run isql command

I have to run isql command using python. 我必须使用python运行isql命令。

Currently i'm doing it in this way 目前我正在以这种方式

 ps = subprocess.Popen("""./isql -I /app/sybase/interfaces_global -S %s -U %s -P %s -D %s -s "|" -w 99999 <<EOF
 EOF""" %(mdbserver,muserid,mpassword,mdatabase,User_Query),stdout=subprocess.PIPE,shell=True,cwd=sybase_path)

But this method is dependent on the /tmp directory of my server because of the here document, everytime when i run it, it creates a tmp file in the /tmp directory and when the /tmp directory is full the script fails to run the Query onto the database. 但是由于此文档,此方法取决于服务器的/ tmp目录,每次运行它时,它都会在/ tmp目录中创建一个tmp文件,而当/ tmp目录已满时,脚本将无法运行查询到数据库上。

How can i use the same command with shell=False , So that i can get rid of the here document """ and the temporary file creation. 我如何在shell=False使用同一命令,以便摆脱这里的文档“”和临时文件的创建。

this doesn't works 这行不通

ps = subprocess.Popen("./isql","-I","/app/sybase/interfaces_global","-S",mdbserver,"-U",muserid,"-P",mpassword,"-D",mdatabase,"-s","|","-w","99999","\nSET NOCOUNT ON\n",User_Query,"\ngo",stdout=subprocess.PIPE,shell=False,cwd=sybase_path)

You could replace the here-document by setting stdin=PIPE and providing the input as a string using .communicate() method as @Hans Then suggested : 您可以通过设置stdin=PIPE并使用.communicate .communicate()方法将输入作为字符串提供为@Hans来替换此处的文档, 然后建议

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from textwrap import dedent

isql = Popen(['./isql', '-I', '/app/sybase/...',
              '-S', mdbserver,
              '-U', muserid, ...,
              '-w', '99999'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, cwd=sybase_path)
output = isql.communicate(dedent("""\

Check out the subprocess communicate() command. 签出子流程communicate()命令。 You can use it to send isql commands to the interpreter. 您可以使用它将isql命令发送到解释器。

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