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[英]HttpURLConnection in android app giving me “Source not found” error, can't figure out why

I have this simple line in an AsyncTask class that goes like this: 我在AsyncTask类中有以下简单代码:

httpconn = (HttpURLConnection)(new URL("http://blynndas.w12.wh-2.com/api/" + params[0]).openConnection());

(an example would be " http://blynndas.w12.wh-2.com/api/order ") (例如“ http://blynndas.w12.wh-2.com/api/order ”)

where params would be the controller name in the Web API that I have. 其中params是我拥有的Web API中的控制器名称。 Anyways, it gives that infernal "Source not found" error, but for the life of me I can't figure out why. 无论如何,它给出了地狱性的“找不到源”错误,但是对于我一生来说,我不知道为什么。

I've looked into many of the similar posts on stackoverflow, but no joy. 我研究了许多关于stackoverflow的类似文章,但并不高兴。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?


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