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选中收音机时,Angular JS显示输入

[英]Angular JS show input when radio checked

I have a javascript array like so: 我有一个像这样的javascript数组:

$scope.quantityMachines = [
  { 'snippet' : 'One' },
  { 'snippet' : 'Two' },
  { 'snippet' : 'Three or more',
    'extraField' : true },
  { 'snippet' : 'Not sure, need advice' }

Then I have a list of radio buttons generated by Angular JS using the array: 然后我有一个由Angular JS使用数组生成的单选按钮的列表:

  <li ng-repeat="quantity in quantityMachines">
    <input type="radio" id="quantityMachines{{$index}}" name="quantityMachines" value="{{quantity.snippet}}" ng-model="howMany" />
    <label for="quantityMachines{{$index}}">{{quantity.snippet}}</label>

This works. 这可行。 In the array there is an extraField with value true in one of the indexes. 在数组中,其中一个索引中有一个值为trueextraField I need Angular to show an extra input field when a radio button with the extraField setting is checked. extraField带有extraField设置的单选按钮时,我需要Angular显示一个额外的输入字段。 The array may change to have more than one index with the extraField value. 该数组可能会更改为具有extraField值的多个索引。

So the extra field would look something like this. 因此,多余的字段看起来像这样。

<input type="text" ng-model="extraInfo" ng-show="howMany" />

Other than knowing to use ng-show , I'm not sure what would be the correct way to do this. 除了知道使用ng-show ,我不确定执行此操作的正确方法。 The above example of course does nothing. 上面的示例当然不起作用。

You could use ng-if and ng-show combination and a scope variable to keep track what is selected. 您可以使用ng-ifng-show组合以及范围变量来跟踪所选内容。 ng-if will make sure the textbox is not added unwantedly to the DOM and ng-show to show and hide as the radio gets toggled. ng-if将确保文本框不会不必要地添加到DOM和ng-show中,以在切换收音机时显示和隐藏。

In your input:- 在您的输入中:-

<input type="text" ng-model="extraInfo" ng-if="quantity.extraField" ng-show="option.selected === howMany" />

and in your Radio add ng-click="option.selected=quantity.snippet" 然后在您的Radio中添加ng-click="option.selected=quantity.snippet"

  <li ng-repeat="quantity in quantityMachines">
    <input type="radio" id="quantityMachines{{$index}}" name="quantityMachines" value="{{quantity.snippet}}" ng-model="howMany" ng-click="option.selected=quantity.snippet"/>
    <label for="quantityMachines{{$index}}">{{quantity.snippet}}</label>
    <input type="text" ng-model="extraInfo" ng-if="quantity.extraField" ng-show="option.selected === howMany" />

and add in your controller:- 并添加您的控制器:

$scope.option = { selected:'none'};

Bin 箱子

You could even use howMany to track what was selected except that you need to set it as a property to an object on the scope (Since ng-repeat creates its own child scope and proto inheritance comes to play). 您甚至可以使用howMany来跟踪选定的内容,只是需要将其设置为作用域上对象的属性(因为ng-repeat创建了自己的子作用域,并且继承了原始继承)。

So in your radio just add ng-model="option.howMany" , in your controller add $scope.option = { }; 因此,在您的无线电中只需添加ng-model="option.howMany" ,在您的控制器中添加$scope.option = { }; and in the text box ng-if="quantity.extraField" ng-show="quantity.snippet === option.howMany" 并在文本框中ng-if="quantity.extraField" ng-show="quantity.snippet === option.howMany"

Bin 箱子

If only you had a plunker...without that try this 如果只有一个矮胖的人...没有尝试

  <li ng-repeat="quantity in quantityMachines">
    <input type="radio" id="quantityMachines{{$index}}" name="quantityMachines" 
        value="{{quantity.snippet}}" ng-model="howMany" />
    <label for="quantityMachines{{$index}}">{{quantity.snippet}}</label>
    <input type="text" ng-model="extraInfo" **ng-if="quantity.extraField"** />

http://jsbin.com/biwah/1/edit?html,js,output http://jsbin.com/biwah/1/edit?html,js,output

  <li ng-repeat="quantity in quantityMachines">
    <input type="radio" id="quantityMachines{{$index}}" name="quantityMachines" value="{{quantity.snippet}}" ng-model="howMany" />
    <label for="quantityMachines{{$index}}">{{quantity.snippet}}</label>
    <input type="text" ng-model="quantity.extraInfo" ng-show="quantity.extraField" />

The easiest way to show something when radio button is checked is the following: 选中单选按钮时显示内容的最简单方法是:

Lets say you have a radio-group with: ng-model="radio-values" 假设您有一个广播组,其名称为: ng-model="radio-values"

To show or hide your input then depends on the values within the radio-group: value="radio-value1" , value="radio-value2" 要显示或隐藏您的输入,则取决于单选组中的value="radio-value1"value="radio-value1"value="radio-value2"

To finally show or hide the input field (lets say you want to show something if "radio-value1" is set) you do: <input ng-show="radio-values == 'radio-value1'" ...> 要最终显示或隐藏输入字段(假设设置了“ radio-value1”,则要显示某些内容),您可以执行以下操作: <input ng-show="radio-values == 'radio-value1'" ...>

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