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[英]altering a table using sql

I have this table 我有这张桌子

**Original Table**          
year    month   duration    amount per month
2012    5       3           2000

and I want to get this 我想得到这个

**Result table**            
year    month   duration    amount per month
2012    5       1           2000
2012    6       1           2000
2012    7       1           2000

Note how the duration of a project (this is a project) is 3 and the "amount per month" is 2000, so I added two more rows to show that the next months (6 and 7) will have an "amount per month" as well. 请注意,一个项目(这是一个项目)的持续时间如何为3,“每月金额”为2000,所以我又添加了两行以显示接下来的几个月(6和7)将具有“每月金额”也一样 How do I do that with sql/tsql? 如何使用sql / tsql做到这一点?

try this for SQL SERVER, i included my test temp table: 试试这个SQL SERVER,我包括我的测试临时表:

declare @temp as table
 [year] int
, [month] int
, [duration] int
, [amount] int
insert into @temp
, [month] 
, [duration] 
, [amount]

,[month] + n.number
,   '1' + SUBSTRING(CAST([duration] AS varchar(10)), 2, 1000) AS Items
FROM @temp
JOIN master..spt_values n
    ON n.type = 'P'
    AND n.number < CONVERT(int, [duration])

Please see the script below that may work for your requirement. 请参见下面的脚本,它可能适合您的要求。 I have also compensated for calender year and month increment. 我还补偿了日历的年月增量。 Please test and let me know. 请测试并让我知道。

DECLARE @temp AS TABLE([Year] INT,[Month] INT,Duration INT,Amount INT)

INSERT INTO @temp([year], [month], Duration, Amount)
VALUES (2011, 5, 3, 2000),(2012, 11, 3, 3000),(2013, 9, 12, 1000);

;WITH cte_datefix
    AS (
    SELECT [Year],
         CAST(CAST([Year] AS VARCHAR(4)) + RIGHT('00' + CAST([Month] AS VARCHAR(2)), 2) + '01' AS DATE) AS [Date]
    FROM @temp
    AS (SELECT [Year],
            1 AS Months
       FROM cte_datefix
       UNION ALL
       SELECT t.[Year],
            DATEADD(M, Months, t.[Date]) AS [Date],
            cr.Months + 1 AS Months
       FROM cte_Reslut AS cr
           INNER JOIN cte_datefix AS t
           ON t.[Year] = cr.[Year]
       WHERE cr.Months < cr.Duration
    SELECT YEAR([Date]) AS [Year],
         MONTH([Date]) AS [Month],
         1 AS Duration,
    FROM cte_Reslut
    ORDER BY [Date]

For those that are wondering how to increment the year if needed, here is an example building on Suing response (really easy, just include two case statements): 对于那些想知道如何根据需要增加年份的人,这是一个基于Suing响应的示例(真的很简单,只需包含两个case语句):

 2012 as [year] 
,11 as [month]
,5 as [duration]
,2000 as [amount]
into #temp

select * from #temp

    when [month] + n.number > 12 
        then [year] + 1 
        else [year]
    end as [year] 
    when [month] + n.number > 12 
        then [month] + n.number - 12 
        else [month] + n.number 
    end as newYear
,1 as newDuration
,   '1' + SUBSTRING(CAST([duration] AS varchar(10)), 2, 1000) AS Items
FROM #temp
JOIN master..spt_values n
    ON n.type = 'P'
    AND n.number < CONVERT(int, [duration])

drop table #temp

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