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XCode项目中同时包含C和C ++文件失败

[英]Having both C and C++ files in XCode project failing

I'm trying to use information from a sqlite database in my C++ project. 我正在尝试在我的C ++项目中使用来自sqlite数据库的信息。 I downloaded the sqlite amalgamation and added sqlite3.h and sqlite3.c to my project, and added #include "sqlite3.h" to my precompiled header file. 我下载了sqlite合并,并将sqlite3.hsqlite3.c添加到我的项目中,并将#include "sqlite3.h"添加到了我的预编译头文件中。

However, Xcode no longer finds standard headers such as algorithm , cassert , cfloat , etc. The specific error is this: 但是,Xcode不再找到标准标头,例如algorithmcassertcfloat等。具体错误是这样的:

Lexical or Preprocessor Issue - 'algorithm' file not found

If I remove the two sqlite files from the project, the headers can be found again. 如果我从项目中删除两个sqlite文件,则可以再次找到标头。 If I rename the sqlite3.c file to a .cpp file, the headers are also found again. 如果将sqlite3.c文件重命名为.cpp文件,则还会再次找到标头。 Removing #include "sqlite3.h" does not change anything. 删除#include "sqlite3.h"不会更改任何内容。

However, I can't leave it as a .cpp file because it gives errors since it uses some things that don't seem to be compatible with C++. 但是,我不能将其保留为.cpp文件,因为它会产生错误,因为它使用了某些似乎与C ++不兼容的东西。

Is there a way to have both C and C++ files in the same XCode project? 有没有办法在同一个XCode项目中同时包含C和C ++文件? (Or another way to include the sqlite library?) (或包括sqlite库的另一种方法?)

To get things to work, I had to enclose my all of my #include s with an #ifdef __cplusplus and endif . 为了使事情顺利进行,我必须用#ifdef __cplusplusendif封装我的所有#include I don't quite know all of the mechanics behind why. 我不太了解为什么要使用所有机制。

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