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[英]attr_accessor returns nil?

I want a temporary attribute which I can use in the controller. 我想要一个可以在控制器中使用的临时属性。
I thought attr_accessor is the best way to do this. 我认为attr_accessor是执行此操作的最佳方法。
But when I submit the users_binded -input, the following error occurs: 但是,当我提交users_binded -input时,会发生以下错误:

Template is missing: Missing template schedule/invite_now, application/invite_now with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:html], :handlers=>[:erb, :builder, :raw, :ruby, :jbuilder, :coffee]}. Searched in: * ../views

I want to find the user with the users_binded -input in the database, as you can see in the controller. 我想在数据库中找到具有users_binded -input的用户,就像在控制器中看到的那样。
I don't know how to use the temporary-attribute in the controller. 我不知道如何在控制器中使用临时属性。
Should it be Schedule.users_binded or :users_binded or something else? 应该是Schedule.users_binded:users_binded还是其他名称?

schedule-model: 时间表模型:

class Schedule < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessor :users_binded

schedule-view: 日程安排视图:

<%= form_for @schedule_invite, :as => :schedule, :url => schedule_invite_path, :method => :post, :html => {:class => 'navbar-form', :role => 'login'} do |schedule_form_builder| %>
    <%= schedule_form_builder.text_field :users_binded, :class => 'form-control', :placeholder => 'Benutzer'%>
    <%= @schedule_invite.title %>
    <%= @schedule_invite.location %>
    <strong>Datum und Uhrzeit:</strong><br>
    <%= @schedule_invite.date_time.strftime("%A, %d.%m.%Y") %>
    <%= @schedule_invite.date_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") %>
  <p class="pull-right">
    <%= link_to "Zurück", root_path, :class => 'btn btn-danger' %>&nbsp;
    <%= schedule_form_builder.submit 'Termin teilen?', :class => 'btn btn-success' %>
<% end %>

schedule-controller: 时间表控制器:

class ScheduleController < ApplicationController
def invite_now
    begin #try
      #user_name = @schedule_invite.users_binded.to_s
      user_binded = User.find_by_name(:user_binded)
    rescue #catch
      if user_binded.nil?
        flash[:notice] = 'Der Benutzer konnte nicht gefunden werden.'
        @schedule_invite = current_user.schedules.find(params[:id])
        render :action => "invite"
        @schedule_invite = user_binded.schedules.find(params[:id])
        user_binded.schedules << @schedule_invite
        flash[:notice] = 'Der Termin wird nun mit dem Benutzer ' + user_binded.name + 'geteilt.'
        redirect_to :root

routes: 路线:

post "schedule/invite/:id" => "schedule#invite_now"

EDIT: 编辑:
I changed the controller to this: 我将控制器更改为此:

 def invite_now begin #try #user_name = @schedule_invite.users_binded.to_s user_binded = User.find_by_name(params[:user_binded]) rescue #catch if user_binded.nil? flash[:notice] = 'Der Benutzer konnte nicht gefunden werden.' @schedule_invite = current_user.schedules.find(params[:id]) render :action => "invite" end end if user_binded.nil? flash[:notice] = 'Der Benutzer konnte nicht gefunden werden.' @schedule_invite = current_user.schedules.find(params[:id]) render :action => "invite" else @schedule_invite = user_binded.schedules.find(params[:id]) user_binded.schedules << @schedule_invite flash[:notice] = 'Der Termin wird nun mit dem Benutzer ' + user_binded.name + 'geteilt.' redirect_to :root end end 

So that I don't need a invite_now.html.erb . 这样,我就不需要invite_now.html.erb
The problem that occurs is the following (maybe there is a attr_accessor-problem): 发生的问题如下(可能存在attr_accessor问题):
The SQL-Statement SQL语句
user_binded = User.find_by_name(params[:user_binded])
returns/loads 回报/负载
User Load (1.0ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."name" IS NULL LIMIT 1 , User Load (1.0ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."name" IS NULL LIMIT 1
so that the attr_accessor isn't correct ? 这样attr_accessor是不正确的?
As Doon said: "attr_accsessor would be used on an instance." 正如Doon所说:“ attr_accsessor将用于实例。”
Is the solution the following ? 解决方案如下吗?

 @schedule_invite = current_user.schedules.find(params[:id]) @schedule_invite.user_binded = User.find_by_name(params[:users_binded]) 

It only makes sense if the attributes type can be everything (ex. Type of User). 只有属性类型可以是所有内容(例如用户类型),才有意义。
Any Ideas ? 有任何想法吗 ?

I try to check the params[:users_binded] with the following: 我尝试使用以下方法检查params[:users_binded]
flash[:notice] = params[:users_binded]
and this error occurs: 并且发生此错误:
can't convert nil into String , so that the param users_binded wont be set correctly. can't convert nil into String ,因此无法正确设置参数users_binded。

RAJ ... said I should add the params to the question: RAJ ...说我应该在问题中添加参数:

 private def schedule_params params.require(:schedule).permit(:id, :titel, :location, :date_time) end 

I think here is the problem.. 我认为这是问题所在。

Issue is not related to attr_accessor at all. 问题根本与attr_accessor That's just fine. 很好 Problem is with template rendering. 问题在于模板渲染。

So, you need to add template view invite_now.html.erb in your views/schedule/ directory 因此,您需要在views/schedule/目录中添加模板视图invite_now.html.erb

Than in your controller: 比您的控制器中:

you need to use params[:schedule][:users_binded] instead of :user_binded . 您需要使用params[:schedule][:users_binded]而不是:user_binded So it will be like 所以会像

 user_binded = User.find_by_name(params[:schedule][:users_binded])

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