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[英]Width and Height of the Image in RenderTargetBitmap in WPF

Using the below code I'm drawing on DrawingVisual then rendering it to an Image using RenderTargetBitmap . 使用下面的代码,我在DrawingVisual绘图,然后使用RenderTargetBitmap将其渲染为Image The final Image is later added to a Canvas and displayed on the screen. 最终的Image稍后会添加到Canvas并显示在屏幕上。

My problem is with the pixelWidth and pixelHeight arguments the RenderTargetBitmap method wants. 我的问题是RenderTargetBitmap方法想要的pixelWidthpixelHeight参数。 What valued should I give to it? 我应该给予什么价值? I have noticed that if I give it lower numbers parts of the image is not rendered. 我注意到如果我给它较低的数字部分图像不会被渲染。 On what basis should I choose these? 我应该在什么基础上选择这些? I have given it 1000 in the code below. 我在下面的代码中给了它1000。

public class ModelBeamSectionNamesInPlan : Image
    private readonly VisualCollection _visuals;
    public ModelBeamSectionNamesInPlan(BaseWorkspace space)
        var typeface = Settings.BeamTextTypeface;
        var cultureinfo = Settings.CultureInfo;
        var flowdirection = Settings.FlowDirection;
        var beamtextsize = Settings.BeamTextSize;
        var beamtextcolor = Settings.InPlanBeamTextColor;

        const double scale = 0.6;

        var drawingVisual = new DrawingVisual();
        using (var dc = drawingVisual.RenderOpen())
            foreach (var beam in Building.ModelBeamsInTheElevation)
                var text = beam.Section.Id;
                var ft = new FormattedText(text, cultureinfo, flowdirection,
                                           typeface, beamtextsize, beamtextcolor,
                                           null, TextFormattingMode.Display)
                    TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center

                // Draw Text
                dc.DrawText(ft, space.FlipYAxis(x, y));

        var bmp = new RenderTargetBitmap(1000, 1000, 120, 96, PixelFormats.Pbgra32);
        Source = bmp;

You can query the DrawingVisual's ContentBounds property, which 您可以查询DrawingVisual的ContentBounds属性

gets the bounding box for the contents of the ContainerVisual 获取ContainerVisual内容的边界框

or the DescendantBounds property which 或者DescendantBounds属性

gets the union of all the content bounding boxes for all of the descendants of the ContainerVisual, but not including the contents of the ContainerVisual. 获取ContainerVisual的所有后代的所有内容边界框的并集​​,但不包括ContainerVisual的内容。

Something like this should work: 这样的事情应该有效:

var bounds = drawingVisual.DescendantBounds;
var bmp = new RenderTargetBitmap(
    (int)Math.Ceiling(bounds.Width), (int)Math.Ceiling(bounds.Height),
    96, 96, PixelFormats.Pbgra32);

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