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如何获取SQL Server 2008 R2中从python调用的存储过程返回的值

[英]How to get the value returned by a stored procedure called from python in SQL server 2008 R2

I need to check the returned value from a stored procedure on SQL server 2008 R2. 我需要检查SQL Server 2008 R2上存储过程的返回值。

 import pyodbc
 sql_str  = """
                DECLARE @return_value int 
                SET @return_value  = -1 
                INSERT INTO [my_database].[dbo].[my_table] 
                EXEC @return_value = [my_database].[dbo].[my_stored_procedure] 
                if @return_value <> 0  
                    EXEC sys.sp_addmessage 60000, 16, ' test sp returns wrong code !  ' 
                        RAISERROR (60000, 16, 1) 
sql_str_connect_db = " DRIVER={SQL server};SERVER={my_server};DATABASE={my_db};UID=my_id;PWD=my_password "
cnxn = pyodbc.connect(sql_str_connect_db )
cursor_test = cnxn.cursor()

But, I got error: 但是,我得到了错误:

pyodbc.Error: ('HY007', '[HY007] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Associated statement is not prepared (0) (SQLNumResultCols)') pyodbc.Error :(“ HY007”,“ [HY007] [Microsoft] [ODBC SQL Server驱动程序]关联语句未准备好(0)(SQLNumResultCols)”)

And, how to check the value of "@return_value" in python ? 并且,如何在python中检查“ @return_value”的值?

After searching , I cannot find a solution. 搜索后,我找不到解决方案。

Thanks 谢谢

You should be able to just select it like this in your SQL: 您应该能够在SQL中像这样选择它:

SELECT @return_value AS return_value

Then use your cursor to fetch the records: 然后使用光标获取记录:

rows = cursor_test.fetchall()
    for row in rows:

Regards, 问候,

-Tim -蒂姆

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