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[英]Regex on item inside ng-repeat

I'm currently building an app that's using the Soundcloud SDK and I need to be able to run a regexp on the artwork_url to replace -large with 500x500 , according to: https://developers.soundcloud.com/docs/api/reference# 我目前正在建设目前正使用的SDK的SoundCloud的应用程序,我需要能够对artwork_url运行正则表达式替换-large500x500 ,根据: https://developers.soundcloud.com/docs/api/reference #

This was my approach which doesn't seem to trigger the artworkRegex: 这是我的方法,似乎并没有触发articleRegex:

<li ng-repeat="track in tracks">
    <div class="track-artwork" style="background-image: url('{{ track.artwork_url | filter: artworkRegex }}');"></div>
    <div class="track-details">
        track info

$scope.artworkRegex = function (artwork) {

What's the best way to go about being able to run a regexp track.artwork_url ? 能够运行regexp track.artwork_url的最佳方法是什么?

You don't have a filter, instead what you have is a method on the scope, also use ng-style instead of style, so that browser does not consider the expression as invalid style and strip it off. 您没有过滤器,而是在范围上使用的是方法,还使用ng-style而不是style,这样浏览器就不会将表达式视为无效的样式并将其删除。

ng-style="{'background-image': 'url(' + artworkRegex(track.artwork_url) + ')'}"

Or if you want to create filter, use filter syntax:- 或者,如果您要创建过滤器,请使用过滤器语法:-

  .filter('artworkRegex', function () {
       return function(artwork){
           return newtransformedartwork;

and use it as:- 并将其用作:-

  ng-style="{'background-image': 'url(' + (track.artwork_url | artworkRegex)  + ')'}"

Plnkr Plnkr

I will let you implement it in the correct way, example in pure Javascript: 我将让您以正确的方式实现它,例如纯Javascript:

var url = 'http://i1.sndcdn.com/avatars-000000011308-xq0whu-large.jpg?b17c165';

var result = url.replace(/-large\b/, '-t500x500');

Try ng-style: 尝试ng-style:

<div class="track-artwork" ng-style="background-image: url('{{ track.artwork_url | filter: artworkRegex }}');">

https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngStyle https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngStyle

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