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[英]jQuery Cross Domain Iframe Height Issue

I have the following javascript that determines the content height of an iframe: 我有以下用于确定iframe内容高度的JavaScript:

var body = document.body, html = document.documentElement;
var height = Math.max(body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, html.clientHeight, html.scrollHeight, html.offsetHeight);

First time, this works great! 第一次,效果很好! Once i have the height i post it to the parent page, like so: 一旦达到高度,便将其发布到父页面,如下所示:

parent.postMessage(height, '*');

On the parent page i listen for the post message event and set the height of the iframe, like so: 在父页面上,我监听发布消息事件并设置iframe的高度,如下所示:


So far so good! 到现在为止还挺好! Now when the iframe navigates within it self to a different page and it recalculates the content height, it keeps returning the height it calculated the first time. 现在,当iframe自身导航至其他页面并重新计算内容高度时,它会继续返回首次计算的高度。

I am assuming that this is because the iframe now has an explicit height. 我认为这是因为iframe现在具有明确的高度。 How do i ensure that i get the actual content height and not the height set on the iframe? 如何确保我得到的是实际的内容高度,而不是iframe上设置的高度?

You have to compute the body height on document.ready. 您必须在document.ready上计算主体高度

I suggest you to use easyXDM to get some fallback on postMessage. 我建议您使用easyXDM以获得postMessage的一些后备。 easyXDM has an example exactly about getting an iframe height . easyXDM提供了一个有关获取iframe高度的示例

Thanks to Kevin B for the tip. 感谢Kevin B的提示。

Replaced: 替换为:

var body = document.body, html = document.documentElement;
var height = Math.max(body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, html.clientHeight, html.scrollHeight, html.offsetHeight);

With: 带有:


Works like a charm!!! 奇迹般有效!!!

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