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[英]Reading from, and then replacing all the text in a .txt file

I'm very new to Python (and coding in general, if I'm honest) and decided to learn by dipping into the Twitter API to make a weird Twitterbot that scrambles the words in a tweet and reposts them, _ebooks style. 我是Python的新手(老实说,我一般都是编码人员),因此决定学习该技术,方法是使用Twitter API,制作一个怪异的Twitterbot,将twitter中的单词打乱然后以_ebooks样式重新发布。

Anyway, the way I have it currently set up, it pulls the latest tweet and then compares it to a .txt file with the previous tweet. 无论如何,以我当前设置的方式,它会提取最新的tweet,然后将其与具有先前tweet的.txt文件进行比较。 If the tweet and the .txt file match (ie, not a new tweet), it does nothing. 如果tweet和.txt文件匹配(即不是新的tweet),则不执行任何操作。 If they don't, it replaces the .txt file with the current tweet, then scrambles and posts it. 如果没有,它将用当前的推文替换.txt文件,然后进行加扰并将其发布。 I feel like there's got to be a better way to do this than what I'm doing. 我觉得必须有比我正在做的更好的方法。 Here's the relevant code: 以下是相关代码:

words = hank[0]['text']
target = open("hank.txt", "r")
if words == "STOP":
    print "Sam says stop :'("
    if words == target.read():
        print "Nothing New."
        target = open("hank.txt", "w")

Obviously, opening as 'r' just to check it against the tweet, closing, and re-opening as 'w' is not very efficient. 显然,以“ r”打开只是为了对照推文检查它,然后关闭并以“ w”重新打开不是很有效。 However, if I open as 'w+' it deletes all the contents of the file when I read it, and if I open it as 'r+', it adds the new tweet either to the beginning or the end of the file (dependent on where I set the pointer, obviously). 但是,如果我以“ w +”打开,则在读取文件时会删除文件的所有内容;如果以“ r +”打开,则会将新的推文添加到文件的开头或结尾(取决于我在哪里设置指针,很明显)。 I am 100% sure I am missing something TOTALLY obvious, but after hours of googling and dredging through Python documentation, I haven't found anything simpler. 我100%肯定完全看不到某些东西,但是经过数小时的搜索和挖掘Python文档后,我发现没有任何更简单的东西了。 Any help would be more than welcome haha. 任何帮助都将超过欢迎哈哈。 :) :)

I suggest you use yield to compare hank.txt and words line by line so that more memory space could be saved, if you are so focused on efficiency. 我建议您使用yield来逐行比较ha​​nk.txt和单词,以便在您专注于效率的情况下节省更多的内存空间。 As for file operation, I don't think there is a better way in overwriting a file. 至于文件操作,我认为没有更好的方法来覆盖文件。 If you are using Linux, maybe 'cat > hank.txt' could be faster. 如果您使用的是Linux,则“ cat> hank.txt”可能更快。 Just a guess. 只是一个猜测。

with open(filename, "r+") as f: data = f.read()// Redaing the data //any comparison of tweets etc.. f.truncate()//here basically it clears the file. f.seek(0)// setting the pointer f.write("most recent tweet")// writing to the file

No need to close the file instance, it automatically closes. 无需关闭文件实例,它会自动关闭。 Just read python docs on these methods used for a more clear picture. 只需阅读有关这些方法的python文档即可获得更清晰的画面。

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