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[英]Is there an equivalent class for groovy's ConfigSlurper in java?

Below is a small example that I generally use in groovy, but I want something similar in java. 下面是一个我通常在groovy中使用的小示例,但是我想要在Java中类似的东西。

Configuration file 配置文件


Groovy Groovy的

public class Configuration {

    public static final def cfg = new ConfigSlurper().parse(new File("configuration").toURL())

    static main(args) {
        println cfg.datastore.oracle.host
        println cfg.datastore.db2.host


I'm guessing that you're wanting to access a property by its full path, eg datastore.oracle.host from Java like you can in Groovy. 我猜想您想通过属性的完整路径来访问属性,例如,像在Groovy中一样,从Java中访问datastore.oracle.host If so, do this: 如果是这样,请执行以下操作:

ConfigObject config = new ConfigSlurper().parse(new File("configuration").toURL());
Map flattenedConfig = config.flatten();
String oracleHost = (String) flattenedConfig.get("datastore.oracle.host");

Better than Java properties because the type is maintained. 比Java属性更好,因为可以保留类型。 From a Groovy User list post . Groovy用户列表中

That is too much dynamic groovyness, but can be expressed in XML, properties, etc. You can try Common Configuration , which would express the same data: 这太动态了,但是可以用XML,属性等表示。您可以尝试使用Common Configuration ,它可以表示相同的数据:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
    <link normal="#000080" visited="#800080"/>

And read with: 并阅读:

XMLConfiguration config = new XMLConfiguration("tables.xml");
String backColor = config.getString("colors.background");
String textColor = config.getString("colors.text");
String linkNormal = config.getString("colors.link[@normal]");

You can also give a try to PropertyConfiguration : 您也可以尝试PropertyConfiguration

# Properties definining the GUI
colors.background = #FFFFFF
colors.foreground = #000080

window.width = 500
window.height = 300

Loaded with: 满载:

Configuration config = new PropertiesConfiguration("usergui.properties");
String backColor = config.getString("colors.background");

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