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[英]Asynchronous WCF service call

I'm calling WCF service asynchronously from the WP page using EAP: 我正在使用EAP从WP页面异步调用WCF服务:

ServiceReference1.Service1Client proxy = new ServiceReference1.Service1Client();
proxy.loginCompleted += DoLogin;
proxy.loginAsync("user", "password");

And in the Rererence.cs I see the following code that looks like APM: 在Rererence.cs中,我看到以下代码看起来像APM:

public System.IAsyncResult Beginlogin(string usn, string pwd, System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) 
    object[] _args = new object[2];
    _args[0] = usn;
    _args[1] = pwd;
    System.IAsyncResult _result = base.BeginInvoke("login", _args, callback, asyncState);
    return _result;

public bool Endlogin(System.IAsyncResult result)
    object[] _args = new object[0];
    bool _result = ((bool)(base.EndInvoke("login", _args, result)));
    return _result;

Why do I have APM methods when I'm calling WCF service using EAP? 当我使用EAP调用WCF服务时,为什么要使用APM方法?

When you generate a Service Reference and set it to generate asynchronous operations on the client side, from .NET 3.5 and above, it will call svcutil.exe with the /async /tcv:Version35 parameters and will generate both APM and EAP asynchronous operations. 当您生成服务引用并将其设置为在客户端生成异步操作时,从.NET 3.5及更高版本开始,它将使用/async /tcv:Version35参数调用svcutil.exe ,并将生成APM和EAP异步操作。

From MSDN : 来自MSDN

When using /tcv:Version35 with the /async switch, both event-based and callback/delegate-based asynchronous methods are generated. 将/ tcv:Version35与/ async开关一起使用时,将生成基于事件和基于回调/委托的异步方法。 In addition, support for LINQ-enabled DataSets and DateTimeOffset is enabled. 此外,还启用了对启用LINQ的DataSet和DateTimeOffset的支持。

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