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[英]C#, compare two different type of lists

I have list of objects and I have list of strings. 我有对象列表,有字符串列表。

List<String> states = new List<String>();
states.add("new york");

List<Foo> foo = new List<Foo>();
foo.add(new Foo(2000, name1, "wisconsin"));
foo.add(new Foo(1000, name2, "california"));
foo.add(new Foo(300, name3, "Florida"));

An object have three properties: int age, string name and string state. 一个对象具有三个属性:整数年龄,字符串名称和字符串状态。

and I have added these objects to the list. 并且我已将这些对象添加到列表中。 Second list consists of string of "states". 第二个列表由“状态”字符串组成。

How I can compare these two lists? 如何比较这两个列表? What is best way to do it? 最好的方法是什么? I want to know if one of objects have same "state", which other list consist. 我想知道对象中的一个是否具有相同的“状态”,其他哪个列表组成。 Please guide me. 请指导我。

It sounds like you want something like: 听起来您想要这样的东西:

List<Person> people = ...;
List<string> states = ...;

var peopleWithKnownStates = people.Where(p => states.Contains(p.State));

Or just to find if any of the people have known states: 或者只是为了找到如果任何人有已知状态:

var anyPersonHasKnownState = people.Any(p => states.Contains(p.State));

Both of these use LINQ - if you haven't come across it before, you should definitely look into it. 两者都使用LINQ-如果您以前从未接触过LINQ,则绝对应该对其进行研究。 It's wonderfully useful. 非常有用。

You might want to change your states to a HashSet<string> so that the Contains operation is quicker though. 您可能需要将states更改为HashSet<string>以便Contains操作更快。

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