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从Eclipse Luna移除Gnome样式

[英]Remove Gnome style from Eclipse Luna

I've installed Eclipse Luna on my Debian machine and recognized that Eclipse looked like all other Gnome applications. 我已经在我的Debian机器上安装了Eclipse Luna,并意识到Eclipse看起来和所有其他Gnome应用程序一样。

I had Gnome installed, but I'm using KDE and don't like applications to look like Gnome. 我已经安装了Gnome,但是我正在使用KDE,并且不喜欢应用程序看起来像Gnome。

I removed all gnome libraries, but Eclipse still looks the same. 我删除了所有的gnome库,但是Eclipse看起来还是一样。 Is there any way to remove the Gnome theme from Eclipse? 有什么方法可以从Eclipse中删除Gnome主题?

it seems that there is no such a way to totally get rid of Gnome theme from Eclipse, but you can install some compatible tools to make KDE render appearance built on GTK, for example, gtk3-engines-oxygen and gtk2-engines-oxygen (Oxygen is your KDE desktop theme). 似乎没有一种方法可以完全摆脱Eclipse的Gnome主题,但是您可以安装一些兼容的工具来使KDE渲染外观建立在GTK之上,例如gtk3-engines-oxygengtk2-engines-oxygen (氧气是您的KDE桌面主题)。

If you are using other themes, you can use the following command to search out the exact software name: 如果使用其他主题,则可以使用以下命令搜索确切的软件名称:

aptitude search gtk3-engines

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