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[英]SonataAdmin, add menu on left

I'm working on Symfony2 and SonataAdminBundle. 我正在研究Symfony2和SonataAdminBundle。

I need to know how to add a menu in the left part of my dashboard ? 我需要知道如何在仪表板的左侧添加菜单? Like in the screen : 就像在屏幕上一样:


I need to have the Dashboard block in the left part on the page (in dark-grey on my screen).. how can i do that ? 我需要在页面的左侧部分显示仪表板块(在我的屏幕上以深灰色显示)..我该怎么做?

you can see on the demo of SonataAdmin http://demo.sonata-project.org/admin/dashboard , login admin, apssword admin 您可以在SonataAdmin的演示中看到http://demo.sonata-project.org/admin/dashboard ,登录管理员,apssword管理员

http://blog.eike.se/2014/03/custom-page-controller-in-sonata-admin.html http://blog.eike.se/2014/03/custom-page-controller-in-sonata-admin.html

this post helped me. 这篇文章帮助了我。

extend template 扩展模板


override block 覆盖块

{% extends 'SonataAdminBundle::standard_layout.html.twig' %}
{% block side_bar_after_nav %}
{% endblock %}

I've just added ROLE_SONATA_ADMIN to ROLE_ADMIN in security.yml: 我刚刚在security.yml中将ROLE_SONATA_ADMIN添加到ROLE_ADMIN:


and it shown up, finaly. 它最终显示出来了。 For more info check this: https://github.com/sonata-project/SonataAdminBundle/issues/2321 有关更多信息,请查看: https//github.com/sonata-project/SonataAdminBundle/issues/2321

The first thing to do is to open this file in this path: 要做的第一件事是在此路径中打开此文件:

\\wamp\\www\\YourProject\\vendor\\sonata-project\\admin-bundle\\Resources\\view \\standard_layout.html.twig \\ wamp \\ www \\ YourProject \\ vendor \\ sonata-project \\ admin-bundle \\ Resources \\ view \\ standard_layout.html.twig

Then look for : ROLE_SONATA_ADMIN (using Ctrl+F) then changed to the role that you are using to log in to your admin dashboard for me I'm using ROLE_ADMIN , then save the file, close it, check your admin dashboard, you will find exactly what you look for. 然后查找: ROLE_SONATA_ADMIN (使用Ctrl + F)然后更改为您用来登录管理仪表板的角色我正在使用ROLE_ADMIN ,然后保存文件,关闭它,检查您的管理仪表板,您将找到你想要的东西。

hope it will works 希望它会奏效

well, if you want to use the automatic menu generated by sonata you can use this steps to reach the point: 好吧,如果你想使用奏鸣曲生成的自动菜单,你可以使用这个步骤来达到这一点:


  1. override the default sonata layout twig file from config.yml 覆盖config.yml的默认sonata布局config.yml文件

     sonata_admin: templates: layout: ::layout.html.twig 
  2. your ::layout.html.twig : 你的::layout.html.twig

     {% extends 'SonataAdminBundle::standard_layout.html.twig' %} {% block side_bar_nav %} {{ knp_menu_render('sonata_admin_sidebar', {template: sonata_admin.adminPool.getTemplate('knp_menu_template')}) }} {% endblock %} 

Why this solution? 为什么这个解决方

since the default SonataAdminBundle::standard_layout.html.twig checks the user to have the ROLE_SONATA_ADMIN permission (and you might not using sonata user bundle ), you need to override permission checking process, which is by default: 由于默认的SonataAdminBundle::standard_layout.html.twig检查用户是否具有ROLE_SONATA_ADMIN权限(并且您可能不使用sonata user bundle ),因此您需要覆盖权限检查过程,默认情况下:

{% block side_bar_nav %}
    {% if app.user and is_granted('ROLE_SONATA_ADMIN') %}
        {{ knp_menu_render('sonata_admin_sidebar', {template: sonata_admin.adminPool.getTemplate('knp_menu_template')}) }}
    {% endif %}
{% endblock side_bar_nav %}

I think this is the easiest way to use navigation buttons on left sidebar. 我认为这是在左侧边栏上使用导航按钮的最简单方法。

okay finally, 好吧,最后,

it seems they updated sonata admin bundle doc, 看来他们更新了sonata admin bundle doc,

take a look at this => http://sonata-project.org/bundles/admin/master/doc/reference/architecture.html 看看这个=> http://sonata-project.org/bundles/admin/master/doc/reference/architecture.html

or with user bundle : 或者用户捆绑:

http://sonata-project.org/bundles/user/master/doc/reference/user_dashboard.html http://sonata-project.org/bundles/user/master/doc/reference/user_dashboard.html

hope it will works 希望它会奏效

Do two things: 做两件事:

  1. Create a template called standard_layout.html.twig in your custom bundle's Resources/views folder. 在自定义捆绑包的Resources/views文件夹中创建名为standard_layout.html.twig的模板。 Add this to that template: 将其添加到该模板:

    {% extends 'SonataAdminBundle::standard_layout.html.twig' %} {% block side_bar_nav %} //add your code here {% endblock side_bar_nav %}

PS: Look at block side_bar_nav in vendor/sonata-project/admin-bundle/Resources/views/standard_layout.html.twig for direction PS:查看vendor/sonata-project/admin-bundle/Resources/views/standard_layout.html.twig中的块side_bar_nav以获取方向

  1. In app/config/config.yml (or wherever your config file is), add: app/config/config.yml (或您的配置文件所在的位置),添加:

sonata_admin: templates: layout: YourBundle::standard_layout.html.twig

I recommend using YourBundle:Admin:standard_layout.html.twig to organize all your admin templates into a single Admin folder. 我建议使用YourBundle:Admin:standard_layout.html.twig将所有管理模板组织到一个Admin文件夹中。 You'd need to change the location of the template in step 1 accordingly 您需要相应地更改步骤1中模板的位置

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