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使用 bluebird Promise 处理异步异常

[英]Asynchronous exception handling with bluebird promises

What is the best way to handle this scenario.处理这种情况的最佳方法是什么。 I am in a controlled environment and I don't want to crash.我处于受控环境中,我不想崩溃。

var Promise = require('bluebird');

function getPromise(){
    return new Promise(function(done, reject){
                throw new Error("AJAJAJA");
        }, 500);

var p = getPromise();
    }).catch(Error, function(e){
        console.log("Unknown", e);

When throwing from within the setTimeout we will always get:当从 setTimeout 内抛出时,我们总是会得到:

$ node bluebird.js

                throw new Error("AJAJAJA");
    at null._onTimeout (c:\blp\rplus\bbcode\scratchboard\bluebird.js:6:23)
    at Timer.listOnTimeout [as ontimeout] (timers.js:110:15)

If the throw occurs before the setTimeout then bluebirds catch will pick it up:如果抛出发生在 setTimeout 之前,那么 bluebirds catch 会捡起它:

var Promise = require('bluebird');

function getPromise(){

    return new Promise(function(done, reject){
        throw new Error("Oh no!");
        }, 500);

var p = getPromise();
    }).catch(Error, function(e){
        console.log("Unknown", e);

Results in:结果是:

$ node bluebird.js
Error [Error: Oh no!]

Which is great - but how would one handle a rogue async callback of this nature in node or the browser.这很好 - 但是如何在节点或浏览器中处理这种性质的流氓异步回调。

Promises are not domains , they will not catch exceptions from asynchronous callbacks. Promise 不是领域,它们不会从异步回调中捕获异常。 You just can't do that.你就是不能那样做。

Promises do however catch exceptions that are thrown from within a then / catch / Promise constructor callback.然而,Promise 确实会捕获从then / catch / Promise构造函数回调中抛出的异常。 So use所以使用

function getPromise(){
    return new Promise(function(done, reject){
        setTimeout(done, 500);
    }).then(function() {
        throw new Error("Oh no!");

(or just Promise.delay ) to get the desired behaviour. (或只是Promise.delay )以获得所需的行为。 Never throw in custom (non-promise) async callbacks, always reject the surrounding promise.永远不要抛出自定义(非承诺)异步回调,总是拒绝周围的承诺。 Use try-catch if it really needs to be.如果确实需要,请使用try-catch

After dealing with the same scenario and needs you are describing, i've discovered zone.js , an amazing javascript library , used in multiple frameworks (Angular is one of them), that allows us to handle those scenarios in a very elegant way.在处理了您所描述的相同场景和需求后,我发现了zone.js ,一个了不起的 javascript 库,用于多个框架(Angular 就是其中之一),它允许我们以非常优雅的方式处理这些场景。

A Zone is an execution context that persists across async tasks.区域是跨异步任务持续存在的执行上下文。 You can think of it as thread-local storage for JavaScript VMs您可以将其视为 JavaScript VM 的线程本地存储

Using your example code :使用您的示例代码:

import 'zone.js'

function getPromise(){
  return new Promise(function(done, reject){
      throw new Error("AJAJAJA");
    }, 500);

    name: 'your-zone-name',
    onHandleError: function(parent, current, target, error) {
      // handle the error 
      console.log(error.message) // --> 'AJAJAJA'
      // and return false to prevent it to be re-thrown
      return false
  .runGuarded(async () => {
    await getPromise()

Thank @Bergi.谢谢@Bergi。 Now i know promise does not catch error in async callback.现在我知道 promise 不会在异步回调中捕获错误。 Here is my 3 examples i have tested.这是我测试过的 3 个示例。

Note: After call reject, function will continue running.注意:呼叫拒绝后,功能将继续运行。

Example 1: reject, then throw error in promise constructor callback示例 1:reject,然后在 promise 构造函数回调中抛出错误

Example 2: reject, then throw error in setTimeout async callback示例 2:拒绝,然后在 setTimeout 异步回调中抛出错误

Example 3: reject, then return in setTimeout async callback to avoid crashing示例 3:拒绝,然后在 setTimeout 异步回调中返回以避免崩溃

// Caught
// only error 1 is sent
// error 2 is reached but not send reject again
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  reject("error 1"); // Send reject
  console.log("Continue"); // Print 
  throw new Error("error 2"); // Nothing happen
  .then(() => {})
  .catch(err => {
    console.log("Error", err);

// Uncaught
// error due to throw new Error() in setTimeout async callback
// solution: return after reject
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  setTimeout(() => {
    reject("error 1"); // Send reject
    console.log("Continue"); // Print

    throw new Error("error 2"); // Did run and cause Uncaught error
  }, 0);
  .then(data => {})
  .catch(err => {
    console.log("Error", err);

// Caught
// Only error 1 is sent
// error 2 cannot be reached but can cause potential uncaught error if err = null
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  setTimeout(() => {
    const err = "error 1";
    if (err) {
      reject(err); // Send reject
      console.log("Continue"); // Did print
    throw new Error("error 2"); // Potential Uncaught error if err = null
  }, 0);
  .then(data => {})
  .catch(err => {
    console.log("Error", err);

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