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[英]Elastic search for json array

I have a json file and I want to load the json file into elastic search so I did, 我有一个json文件,我想将json文件加载到弹性搜索中,所以我做到了,

curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/datas/data/1' -d @rosia_data.json 

but it produce som error as: 但它会产生以下错误:

{"error":"MapperParsingException[Malformed content, must start withno bject]","status":400}

My data is something like this: 我的数据是这样的:

"sr":"Krishna Chaudhary", 
"inventory":"Vector Plus - 2`S",
"shopname":"D&b Store",
"shoproute":"RCT Market",
"distributor_name":"New Horizon Distributors Itahari",
 "sr":"Krishna Chaudhary",
  "inventory":"Vector Plus - 4`S",
  "shopname":"D&b Store",
  "shoproute":"RCT Market",
  "distributor_name":"New Horizon Distributors Itahari",
 "sr":"Khagendra Pokhrel",
"inventory":"Vector Plus - 4`S",
"shopname":"Samita Cosmetic",
"distributor_name":"Horizon Distributors Damak",

so please help me to solve this problem. 所以请帮我解决这个问题。 BTW I am new to Elasticsearch. 顺便说一句,我是Elasticsearch的新手。

Ok,By this you only can index a document (But your json is array or documents, which gives error) . 好的,这样您只能索引一个文档(但是您的json是数组或文档,会产生错误)。 If you need to index multiple documents just use bulk api 如果您需要索引多个文档,只需使用批量API

For example look at the link. 例如,查看链接。

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